twenty four

35 10 0


After we left the hotel and began making our way to the photo shoot Colby had to be at later tonight, I got a text from my brother who was very angry...

Joseph: when did and Colby do it? I want you to answer me honestly!

Natia: what are you talking about?

Joseph: don't play dumb with Natia, I know you and Colby are married, when were you going to tell me?

Natia: who told you that?!

Joseph: I don't have to hear it from anyone we know when a fan messaged me and explained it to me, so when did you two get married?

I looked over at Colby with a shocked look on my face....

Colby: what's the matter sweetheart?

Natia: Joe knows about us being married.

Colby: how did he find out?

Joseph: answer me Natia...when did you get married?

Natia: I will talk to you when we are face to face Joe....

I put the phone on my leg while I still felt it vibrating....

Natia: he said a fan told him about it...

Colby: I don't know how a fan could find out about us being married, I haven't even told my fans yet...

Natia: we will sort this out when we see Joe again but right now he just needs time to calm down...

Colby: okay baby, it just puzzles me that's all...

Natia: yeah me too but you have to focus on the road since its a long drive there....

Colby: yeah I know....

I looked at my phone and opened my texts that my brother sent back to back, he went from angry to hurt in less than five minutes prior to me not texting him back and one text caught my eye and I knew he was right...

"You know dad is going to be mad."

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