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I seen Natia getting out of the vehicle her and Colby was in and grabbed her bags before she started walking towards me, I walked as fast I could go catch up to her but she immediately went into the women's bathroom when I caught up with her, so I decided to give her some privacy and begin walking towards the locker room that I shared with Colby and Jonathan...

Joseph: hey Colby can I talk to you for a minute?

Colby: yeah, whats up Joe?

Joseph: oh nothing, I couldn't help but notice that Natia looked upset before she rushed into the ladies room...is everything okay between you and her?

Colby: well I didn't say anything to upset her or at least I hope I didn't.

Joseph: okay I was just wondering...

Colby: I will talk to her about it.

Joseph: thanks but I think you should leave that to me, I will talk with her once we get to the hotel and thanks for letting her ride with you here Colby.

Colby: you're welcome and about the hotel, are you planning on sharing a room with her or not?

Joseph: no I'm going to get my room that way Natia can have a room alone, but I do want you to keep an eye on her for me if you don't mind doing that...

Colby: I will definitely do that for you.

Joseph: thanks man, I appreciate it.

Colby: no problem man, I got your back.

I was about to walk into the locker room when I seen her come out of the bathroom and walk over to Colby as they headed towards me and we walked into the locker room together, I seen Jon tie a bandana around her eyes while we got ready for tonight's show.

Natia: let me know when you guys get dressed so I can take this off my head.

Jonathan: okay Nat but no peeking...

Natia: not a problem there Jon, I wasn't going to peek at all...

I laughed to myself when she said that while I grabbed the outfit that I was going to wear that matched the other two and hung it up before I got a shower...I made sure nobody bothered her after I got finished, Jon and Colby was still getting a shower when I heard a knock on the door which it was and employee that worked back here, his job was to let the male wrestlers know when they were needed to begin heading to the ring, I seen Colby walk out from the showering area with his bottoms already on and his shirt on his shoulder as he walked to where his stuff was and sat down beside my sister after he put his shirt and began putting on the boots while Jon was getting dressed in the back which he took the bandana off of Natia when he walked to where we was all sitting at so we could begin rehearsing what we was going to do before we went to the ring. I couldn't help but notice that Colby was a little distracted as he kept watching my sister's every move...

Joseph: I know tonight is going to be rough for you but you need to focus Colby, its going to be okay...this isn't going to change our friendship man.

Colby: right, I just hate that it has to come to this that's all, you two are like brother's to me and I feel like I'm betraying the both of you guys...

Jonathan: we are always going to be your brothers Colby don't let it get to you, we will still be your friends man...

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