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I was hanging out at Joe's house while he went to get something for us all to eat which left me and his sister alone.

Jonathan: so Nat, where are you from?

Natia: I come from Samoa, our father called him and here I am...where are you from?

Jonathan: I'm from Cincinnati.

Natia: I am assuming that you are friend's with my brother?

Jonathan: yeah we've known each for years, he is a great guy once you get to know him. He told me what you did with that guy and I must ask, but why exactly are you being mean to Joe?

Natia: because...

Jonathan: because why?

Natia: he hasn't called dad or bothered to see him yet he shows up out of the blue and acts like everything is going to be okay like he never left.

Jonathan: I see...perhaps you could tell him the reason for your behavior. He thinks you hate him and he only wants you to be happy Nat...he loves you and doesn't want you to get hurt.

Natia: I have been mean to him since we got here...maybe you're right. Not trying to change the subject but you never told me what your name is...

Jonathan: sorry I thought I did. My name is Jonathan but you can call me Jon if you want to Nat...

Natia: sure thing Jon and thank you for listening

Jonathan: you're welcome...

I watched as she got up and walked out to the pool before I heard the front door open and seen Joe walking in with the food in his hand while he shut the door behind him...

Joseph: hope you two are hungry...

Jonathan: I'm starving...

Joseph: hey where is she at, she didn't run away again did she?

Jonathan: she's by the pool.

Joseph: oh good, so did you find out anything?

Jonathan: yeah I did but I think it would be best if she told you the reason why herself.

Joseph: did she at least tell you why the reason what it was about?

Jonathan: yeah she told me and it has something to do with you so I suggest going out there and talking to her.

Joseph: okay thanks man I appreciate you talking to her for me, I'm gonna go talk to her right now...

He walked outside and sat down after he pulled a chair next to her, I watched as they both talked while I ate and before I knew it she was hugging his neck while he hugged her back.

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