twenty five

35 9 0


After I had a long talk with my brother about telling my dad that I married Colby, I had decided on going to see him so I could tell him in person. I moved in with Colby shortly after they got a break from work...I was currently packing a small bag since I wasn't going to stay at my dad's place long if I stayed there at all that depended on how he would take the news, Colby gave me a ride to the airport and stayed with me until I had to get on the plane...

Colby: are you sure you want to do this alone?

Natia: yes Colby, I need to do this...

Colby: okay baby but just know that I will be here waiting for you to come home.

Natia: I won't stay there long I promise, I love you so much Colby

Colby: I love you more Natia...

He gave me a hug after someone called for the flight I would be on.

Natia: why does it feel like I'm saying goodbye to you?

Colby: This isn't goodbye...

Natia: I know but still...

Colby: please don't go....

Natia: My father deserves to know that we are married already baby...

Colby: if you insist on telling him, be sure to call me once you arrive there

Natia: I promise that I will...

I gave him a quick kiss before I walked away from him so I could get on the plane.

After I got there, I told my father about me and Colby being married...he got a little upset but was happy for us nevertheless which I was glad that he was but I couldn't help but feel a little bad since he didn't get to walk me down the isle like at a normal wedding so I got an idea to have a wedding for my family and his.

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