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I stepped outside and seen Natia and the guy out father was setting her up with before I sat down, he grabbed her hand and kissed it gently...I looked down and laughed a little at the sight, when I looked back up I seen her looking at me as if she wanted me to say something quickly but I didn't.

Eli: it was nice meeting you Natia perhaps we can see each other again.

Natia: sure...

He walked inside leaving me and Natia alone to talk in private...

Natia: so what do you think?

Joseph: not happening if you ask me but that's up to you Natia, you can't be with Eli and the other guy at the same time and speaking of the mystery guy...who is it that you are with?

Natia: keep your voice down, I don't want dad hearing you say that...

Joseph: so why don't me and you go somewhere and talk about it.

Natia: okay let's go somewhere...

I walked inside and told dad that we would be right back...after we got someplace where nobody was around so we could talk in private...

Joseph: there is nobody here but me and you so who is this guy you are with?

Natia: promise you won't get mad at him when you see him again?

Joseph: are you telling me I know the guy?!

Natia: of course you do, he has been your friend for so long...

Joseph: okay I promise I won't get mad at him when I see him again, who is it?

Natia: it's Colby, we have been dating for awhile now and I don't want dad finding out because I know he will freak out once he finds out and it worries me that the family won't accept Colby since he isn't Samoan.

Joseph: if you two love each other that is all that matters and to be honest I have a confession of my own because I have been seeing someone that dad will probably not approve of either.

Natia: you are?

Joseph: yeah and she isn't Samoan but I love her with all my heart.

Natia: what is her name?

Joseph: her name is Galina.

Natia: I feel so relieved now, maybe we can introduce both our lovers to dad at the same time?

Joseph: yeah we should do that...

Natia: great than it is settled, next time we come here they will come with us.

Joseph: yeah, but I think we should tell dad now that way he won't be upset when we bring them to meet him.

Natia: yeah, I'm starting to get hungry anyway, lets get out of here....

We headed back to the house and told dad about the people we are seeing, he seemed upset at first but got over it.

Sika: I just want you both to be happy and if you find happiness in people outside your own race than that is all that matters...

We both hugged him and thanked him for understanding...

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