twenty three

44 10 0


After the ceremony was over I looked everywhere for my sister and Colby when I ran into Jon who was just about to head out with Renee...

Joseph: have either one of you seen my sister or Colby around here?

Jonathan: I haven't seen them since I left the hotel...

Renee: I seen them leaving when I was coming out of the ladies room but that was over two hours ago...

Joseph: thanks Renee, I will look for them when I get back to the hotel...

Jonathan: alright Joe, good night...

I walked away from them and walked back over to where Galina was and waited for her to finish talking before we went to the hotel...

*the next morning*


I climbed out of bed while making sure I didn't wake Natia up so I could go get us some breakfast, I grabbed the room key and walked out of the room when I bumped into Joe...

Colby: hey Joe...

Joseph: hey, you haven't seen Natia have you Colby?

Colby: yeah she is sleeping, I was going to get breakfast for us both...

Joseph: okay just as long as she is okay, She left her clothes in my room.

Colby: I will get her things when I get come back, not unless you are going out with Galina

Joseph: maybe to get something to eat but I will be here other than that...

Colby: okay, I will see you in a few...

I walked away from and down to the parking lot across the street and got in the vehicle and drove to get breakfast. When I got back I walked up to the room and seen her sitting up in bed after I opened the door and walked in the room.

Colby: good morning beautiful.

Natia: good morning handsome.

Colby: I got us breakfast, I wasn't sure what you wanted so I just picked something up.

Natia: whatever you got is fine baby. So what are we doing today?

Colby: well I told your brother that I would go get your things from his room and from there I have a photo shoot later today so I have to pack and drive eight hours to go have that done and after that we can do something together...

Natia: sounds like a plan, so when do we start?

Colby: well I thought we would start now but first lets get your bags out of your brother's room and we will come back here and pack my things afterwards...

Natia: okay so let's get started...

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