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I had finished putting my last bag in the vehicle and was about to leave my house when I seen Kevin walk outside with his leash in his mouth as he dropped it at my feet....

Colby: is this all you wanna take with you? You can pack more than this man.

I watched as he walked back inside after he stood there thinking about what I said and I seen him come back out carrying a toy that I never seen before...

Colby: where did you get this from? Kevin I hope you aren't stealing your neighbor's toys again...

He rolled over and that's when I heard Natia say something...

Natia: he didn't steal it, I bought it for him...

Colby: hey, I didn't know you were back and thank you for getting him the new toy...thank the pretty lady Kevin.

He walked over to her after she got low enough to the ground and licked her on the cheek

Natia: you're welcome Kevin.

Colby: so when did you get back and how did you get here?

Joseph: we just got here actually and I bought her here...

Colby: okay I'm glad you both had a safe flight. So what made you want to come here?

Natia: I asked him to bring me here I hope that's okay with you Colby

Colby: its okay Natia...

I do badly want to pull her close to me and shower her in kisses but I didn't want to make her brother mad at me.

Joseph: so I will leave you two alone, Natia do you wanna get your bags out of the truck that way I can get going?

Natia: sure...

I put Kevin in the car while Natia got her things out of Joe's truck and watched as she walked back over to where I was as she watched her brother leaving...

Colby: I guess that means you are riding with me?

Natia: yeah and I know that I should have called you and told you that I was coming over but I wanted to surprise you.

Colby: its okay Natia, I have been wanting you to see where I live...

I pulled her close to me and gave her a kiss before I put her bags in the back seat next to mine and we left my home after I locked everything...

After we got to the arena I was stopped by Joe so we could talk while Natia was talking to Stephanie...

Joseph: I know about you and my sister being a couple and before you say something to her about it I just wanted to tell you that I am happy for the both of you...

Colby: I wasn't aware that you knew already, she was worried that you wouldn't be happy for the both of us.

Joseph: well I would be very happy to call you my brother in law, if you two ever get married...

Colby: you will always be my brother no matter what happens in my life. I love Natia very much and I do plan on marrying your sister one day, it is just too soon right now since we have only been together for three and a half months now...

Joseph: I understand Colby just promise that you won't break her heart...

Colby: I will never hurt Natia, she means alot to me...

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