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After Joe and Colby got a break from their Job, me and my brother decided to take Galina and Colby to meet our dad, which turns out he loved them like they were his kids which I was happy about that and I could tell Joe was happy about it too.


After dad told me and Natia that he liked Colby and Galina, I felt a sense of relief and I was glad that he liked them.

I was about to head out the door with Galina so we could go get some food when I seen Colby and Natia leaving the house, I figured they was going to do the same thing but I seen him placing their bags in the vehicle and left in a hurry...

Galina: is everything okay Joe?

Joseph: yeah I thought I seen something, lets go eat baby girl.


I watched as Colby placed our thungs in the vehicle and we went to the hotel that way we could be alone, I was glad that my dad accepted him. On the way to the hotel we stopped to get a bite to eat...

Colby: your dad is a nice person.

Natia: I'm glad you two like each other...

Colby: yeah, I can't wait until you meet my mom...I think you will like her sweetheart

Natia: I just hope she likes me, you always talk about your mom but what about your dad?

Colby: I never knew my dad...

Natia: I'm sorry Colby I didn't mean-

Colby: no it's okay sweetheart, you didn't know. Where is your mom?

Natia: she died when I was born...

Colby: I'm sorry Natia...

Natia: it's okay...

He took the food from the waiter and started driving toward the hotel after he handed me the food....

Natia: I love you Colby...

Colby: I love you too Natia...

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