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After me and my brother left our father's house we headed to the airport after I finished packing all my clothes.

Natia: I don't know why you are wasting your time trying to help me.

Joseph: because our father wants what is best for you, I know I don't come around much but I'm still your brother and that's not going to change.

Natia: whatever...

I was about to walk away from him but he grabbed my arm before I did.

Joseph: don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you Natia, you wouldn't be coming with me if our father didn't care about you.

Natia: that's the thing Joseph,I don't want to be here let alone live with you.

Joseph: well you should have thought about that before running away with a boy to vandalize a school...

Natia: it wasn't a school, it was a wall near a parking lot not to far from here...

Joseph: it's still vandalism Natia and you're lucky the cops didn't find out.

I didn't say anything else as we started walking to where the lady stood at while she checked everyone's plane ticket before we got on the plane and headed to the place Joseph lived, I knew it was probably going to be a long trip so I pulled my phone out and listened to the songs I had on my playlist while I looked out the small window and down at the place that I once called home as we got further away from it with each passing second...after we landed I placed my things in a cab and got in the car behind my brother and went to his house which was in a gated community with a security guard watching the main gate...

Joseph: your room is upstairs, I will have to get you a bedroom set so you can sleep on the couch until than and don't worry it lets out into a bed...

Natia: thanks I guess...

Joseph: look Natia, I just don't want to see or hear about you getting hurt or worse.

Natia: yeah I know...

Later that night when he wasn't looking I snuck out the back and ran towards the city with my clothes in a duffle bag that I was carrying... I had stopped outside a hotel when I seen him, he was tall like my brother with dark brown hair and blonde on the side which I thought was odd. He approached me after I sat down against the building while I was catching my breath...

Colby: are you okay miss?

Natia: I'm fine, I just need to catch my breath...

Colby: its a little warm out here, why don't you come with me and cool off...

I thought about it for a minute but eventually followed him up to his hotel room which was huge for someone staying alone...

Colby: so what is your name if you don't mind me asking...

Natia: my name? It's Natia Anoa'i

Colby: wait did you say Anoa'i?

Natia: yes why, is that a problem?

Colby: no problem. Are you related to Joseph Anoa'i by any chance?

Natia: yes he is my older brother, how do you know about him?

Colby: I watch him wrestle...

Natia: right... So what is your name?

Colby: my name is Colby Lopez. I will be right back, gotta grab me something to drink...make yourself at home Tia...

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