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^ I don't understand one lyric but it's beautiful anyway

Aftermath of the pool scene

We lay there, on the steps. Not even bothering to get out.

We weren't mad at each other, just scared together.

I was almost positive Boris had dozed off. His breathing was heavy, and his good eye was shut.

I felt bad for him. The hook shaped cut on his forehead began to gush blood again. The blood under his nostrils caused him to breathe through his mouth. 

His hair was tossed to the side, and occasionally some pieces fell in his eyes. 

He was snoring, of course. I would usually nudge him when he snored, but tonight I just left it. 

He was twitching a bit, his good eye fluttering open and closed. He seemed to be muttering something in Polish, but I couldn't figure out what.

I caught a few swear words. 

" Nie jest bezpieczny...przestraszony," Boris mumbled.

Now he was twitching.

His hands were rubbing his bad eye, and his legs were moving. It looked like Popper when he was dreaming about running.

Boris seemed to be whining a bit. I grabbed his hand quickly, removing it from his eye. We didn;t need that getting infected.

He probably needed stitches already, but he refused to listen.

All of a sudden, he  bolted up. Eyes wide and unfocused, skin white as a sheet.

" What?...What happened?" I asked, shaking his arm slightly.

" Oh...Potter you scared me. Just bad dream. Am okay, promise," Boris spoke, wiping some dry blood from underneath his nose.

" It's getting colder...wanna go inside?" 

" Sure. Am sore though," he said.

I stood up, stretching in the process. Boris tried to stand, using the railing as support.

His knees cracked as he stood. Wobbling a bit, he placed his hand on my shoulder to keep balance. 

" Do you wanna talk about the dream?" I asked him, as we walked inside.

" Very dark. Is all I can remember."

I nodded. Slowly, like old men, we climbed into the bed.

" Night, Potter," he spoke before shutting off the light.

He was out within seconds.

It took me a few seconds to fall asleep.

Dark nightmares were always the worst.

Suddenly, sleep overtook me. I was out like a light. 

The next morning I  awoke with an arm draped over my waist.

I stayed for a moment, still.

Finally, out of pure embarrassment, I tried to roll away.

That's when I heard:

" Ssh Potter. Is only me."

Yeah things were a bit different in the book. I thought this ending would be cute though. K bye.

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