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I know I haven't seen most of you in awhile or like interacted with this book at all but here we are.

This book has gained so much support recently and like??? Thank you???

I don't even know what to say this is the most views i've ever gotten on a book ever. i'm writing this on my phone and it's too much work turning on the caps so excuse the inconsistency. i'm a writer i promise.

thanks for all ur kind comments and votes. i don't respond to all of them but i do see them and they make me happy.

i don't think i'd ever have to make a message like this cuz i didn't think i'd ever end the book. the goldfinch was my whole life for like 2 and a half years straight.

it's still my favorite book to this day and i love my signed copy to death, but ever since the movie came out and flopped miserably that part of my life slowly faded away.

this sounds so depressing oh my god.


i love the goldfinch and always will, but i just felt like i owed it to everyone to give an official completion statement since this has gained so much support.

i love seeing a flock of new people slowly get into the goldfinch because it reminds me of when i first got into it and went batshit over every fanfic. i hope the goldfinch  can mean as much to y'all as it does to me.

and as for THIS story, i really don't see myself updating in the future. never say never, i know, but i really don't see it happening. maybe one day it'll happen again, but for now i think the boreo chapter has closed.

i've had this book on completed for awhile but i just figured i needed to say something official cuz that's professional?? i think??

reading this whole book makes me cringe because i've improved so much as a writer since the start, but it also makes me smile cuz of memories and shit. i don't know. i'm tryna be sentimental.


even if the adventure is over i hope you all continue to enjoy this story. i put a lot into it (even if the writing sucks and it doesn't seem like i did.)

thank you for all the continued support i've been receiving and i do see and appreciate all of it. it makes me happy.

andddd while ur here why don't you check out quinn's stuff? she's working on some fun projects. it's not TGF related, but it's some good stuff. check her out Glittersilver she has helped me a lot with support and motivation for this book and i love her for it. i owe her a lot and thank her so much for everything. dragon boy (luke kin cough) if ur reading this i love you

but i do write my chemical romance stuff if y'all are interested. like ur probably not cuz ur here for boreo, which is understandable cuz they are cute, but some people commented on the demolition lovers chapter abt mcr soooo. idk man i like four greasy emo men and like to write abt them doing dumb stuff.

i think i downgraded.

but that's besides the point.

thank you so much for all of the support. and i guess this is technically a goodbye? but not really cuz i still check the progress and comments on this book. so goodbye but not really? i don't know.

i'll leave yall with this which i got mostly from memory.

"we looked at each other. and it occurred to me that despite his faults, which were numerous and spectacular, the reason i'd liked boris and felt happy around him from almost the moment i'd met him was that he was never afraid. you didn't meet many people who moved freely through the world with such a vigorous contempt for it and at the same time such oddball and unthwartable faith in what, in childhood, he had liked to call "the planet of earth."'

signing off,

the author who used to cry to karma police for the sole reason that it reminded me of boreo.


i didn't proof read this just like i didn't proof read most of these chapters. somethings never change i guess (i'm rolling my eyes why why why did i not proof read.)


i hope this doesn't sound as sad as i think it does.

The Moon Is The Same Wherever You Go: Boreo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now