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This was described in the book

Boris and Theo had a weird friendship.

If you could even call it friendship.

They overstepped a lot of the boundaries of being a friend, though that isn't the point. 

It was common for them to punch each other, tickle each other to death, or 'taze' the other.

Well one day Theo was feeling angry for no reason, and Boris was going to get that wrath.

" okay?" Boris asked, trying to get his best friend to talk. 

Theo sunk deeper into the pit of thoughts.

" Hey, Potter!" Boris tried again, waving a hand in front of Theo's face.

Boris tried nudging his arm.

Still no response.

Suddenly, when he had just about given up, Theo socked him right in the mouth. 

" What the hell!?" Boris shouted, touching his lip for blood. There was a heck of a lot.

" What!? Oh my god!" Theo realized what he had done. Usually, neither one would care. Today was different. Things had gotten worse for Boris at home, and Theo decided to lay off. He had just been out of it when he did it.

" Potter...are you okay?" Boris asked, taking a quick second to spit blood. Theo had got him good.

" I' I'm really sorry. I didn't even realize what the hell I was-"

Boris cut him off by grabbing his hand.

Theo blinked, the look of confusion visible. Boris took Theo's bloody knuckles and brought them to his bloody mouth. 

" What are you doing?"

Boris dropped Theo's hand from his mouth, but didn't let go of it.

" Blood brothers," he said.

Theo knew what that was from when him and Tom Cable had done it.

That meant nothing now.

" I..okay," Theo said. He didn't even realize they were holding hands.

" Don't apologize. Is mistake. Am okay with it," Boris sighed, gripping Theo's hand tighter. 

Now Theo realized.

Yet, he didn't mind. He just let it happen. 

" How is he?" Theo asked.

Boris didn't respond.

" Is it..worse?"

" What do you think?" Boris asked, sadly. 

Theo sighed.

" I..I wish I could help you. I wanna murder him."

Theo took a minute to observe one of the scars on Boris' cheek. It wasn't noticeable to anybody else but Theo. You probably just had to know him.

" Is fine. Things are just..bad right now. He is angry at world, yes?" 

" Yeah."

" Things should be normal soon," Boris said, resting his head against the chain of the swing.

He began to hum the Polish lullaby.

" You can always come live with us if you want," Theo muttered.

" Eh?"

" Nothing..just talking to myself."

And he went on singing.

The one thing neither of them realized,

was that they hadn't disconnected their hands.

The Moon Is The Same Wherever You Go: Boreo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now