You Look At Me Differently

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   They were laying in bed. It was about one in the morning, both of them not able to sleep. They were sober for once, and it was a night they could break the boundaries. It was a night where the " line" was crossed.

Theo was laying with his head on Boris's chest, listening to his heart beat. It was his favorite sound. Boris was laying on his back, his arm around Theo's waist. Theo was tracing hearts around Boris's scars, as if by doing that they would go away.

" Boris?"

" Hm?"

" You're beautiful," Theo whispered. Boris scoffed, and shifted slightly.

" Liar," he sighed.

" I'm not lying, shithead," Theo laughed lightly, finding a new scar to draw a heart around.

" Trying to make me blush, Potter?" Boris questioned.

" No, I just figured somebody had to say it."

" Well...if you're serious...then thank you. Nobody's ever told me that before," Boris said, and smiled fondly.

" Well, they're blind. You are."

Boris grabbed Theo's hand, and intertwined their fingers.

" Am so lucky," Boris hummed.

" Oh, really? Why's that?"

" Because the prettiest person in the whole wide world is in love with me," Boris stated.

Theo thought for a moment, and his heart dropped.

Shit. You were kidding yourself.

" Oh. Nice," Theo said, trying to hide the disappointment and regret laced in his voice.

" Can you guess who?"

" Hadley? Jules? Kasey?" Theo questioned, counting off the girls on his fingers.

Boris only laughed.

" No, you know this person very well," Boris hinted.

" Is it you? Boris, that's so egotistical. Wait- it's not Pippa, is it? Have you been secretly writing her? Oh my god, are you talking about Popper?" Theo rambled. Boris raised his eyebrow at the obliviousness, and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

" His name, is Theodore Decker," Boris whispered. Theo shuddered.

" W-What?" he stuttered.

" You heard me."

Theo shuddered for the second time. He used his full name. He had never done that before. The way he said it -god- it made Theo want to believe him so bad.

" H-How? Why? What?" Theo spat question after question.

" It had to be said," Boris whispered, and Theo could hear the smirk in his voice. Theo inhaled a shaky breath, and tried to quiet his chattering teeth.

" Oh."

" Potter?" Boris called.

" Yeah?"

" Are you afraid of me?"

The question almost made Theo choke.

" W-Why would you say that? Why would you think that?" Theo asked in horror. Boris looked down, so his hair fell in his eyes.

He shrugged.

" I don't know. You shudder every time I talk to you. You just seem...disappointed. I thought...I thought what you told me about me being beautiful meant something. Am nothing like my dad, I promise. I-I wouldn't hurt you. I feel terrible about what I did to...her...but I would never hit you."

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