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1. The only thing Boris will eat at the movie theater is snow caps

2. Once one of them leaves the bed, the other gets up as well

3. Boris only wears over sized pjs 

4. Theo often steals Boris's sweaters

5. Boris takes Theo's fluffy socks

6. They often sit at the playground and talk about what they're gonna do when they're older

7. On days where Boris gets beaten so bad he can't walk, Theo bought him a wheelchair

8. Boris uses it only to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

9. Boris likes to be hugged after being hurt by his dad

10. Boris often gets annoyed he can't pronounce basic words right, but Theo tells him his accent is really cool

11. Once Theo called his accent cute and Boris couldn't stop teasing him about it. 

12. Theo finds it cute when Boris makes his frustrated noises

13. Whenever they're on the couch, Popper will always get in the middle of them

14. This is a fact basically but Boris and Theo pass Popper around like he's their kid

15. Theo even went along with calling Popper " Snaps"

16. Boris will often take Theo's dress clothes when they go somewhere fancy because he doesn't have anything

17. At one of the school dances, Boris and Theo showed up. The whole time they picked teacher's pockets. They almost got caught once, but didn't

18. Boris insists on having two blankets on the bed even during the summer because he's freezing

19. After Theo leaves, Boris hates the sight of glasses

20. Theo saved up a whole jar of money to go back to Las Vegas to get Boris, but Hobie insisted he put it in the bank

21. Theo promised himself every night he would go back for Boris one day

22. When Boris stayed with Xandra,  she offered to take him to New York. He said no because he was afraid Theo was mad at him

23. Boris could never be furious with Theo, and vice versa 

24. Boris watches Dr.Phil all the time and calls him " bald man"

25. Boris is terrified of The Easter Bunny

26. Theo has to tell him that he is not real, but Boris still hides all the carrots in the house anyway

27. Theo can actually draw really well and often screams out " THIS BODY LOOKS TERRIBLE" when drawing people

28. Boris will then say his body is fine the way it is and to be positive, even though he knows that Theo is just drawing 

29. They flip each other off at least 30 times a day

30. Theo loves to draw Boris's hair because it's so fluffy

31. Boris falls at random moments for fun and it scares the crap out of Theo

32. Boris once came out of Theo's room wearing a dog onesie and declared he was the new Snaps ( he was obviously drunk)

33. Theo made Boris wear a pink flower crown and thought it was the cutest thing ever when it became lopsided  

34. Boris half-sneezes so much

35. Boris sneezes like a kitten and it makes Theo laugh

36. They freaking cuddle all the freaking time

37. Boris often catches Theo staring at him and vice versa

38. Theo thinks Boris's hair is the best thing ever

39. Boris steals Theo's glasses

40. Theo hates ( but secretly loves) that Boris is taller than him

41. Xandra taught Boris finger guns and Theo will never forgive her

42. Boris often tells Theo he's the best person he knows

43. Whenever a teacher at school asks if Boris knows Theo, he will repeatedly scream that it his name is Potter and walk away

44. Boris loves hugging Theo

45. Boris and Theo make fun of modern music

46. They share cigarettes all the time

47. Theo loves calling his house " home" with Boris

48. Boris and Theo could never love anyone again after leaving each other

49. Theo often has to remind Boris he will never be like his father because he's too great of a person

50. If anybody asked if they loved each other, they will both say yes with no problem

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