Cold and Broken

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He put both of his hands on the side of his face after whispering his name.

It felt like a war going on inside him. He didn't know what to do. So, he did what his mind told him. 

He leaned in slowly and kissed him. Right there. Like it was nothing. 

He pulled away, and just stared. Both boys eyes were pleading. 

The taller one, knowing his pleads wouldn't be catered to, took his hands off of the shorter's face. He took the dog, kissing him as well. Handing him back, he muttered something about luck. With that, he walked away. 

Just before he went, he took one last look of the sight. Then, he shuffled off. 

That same memory kept coming back to Boris. It scared him to death, actually. He couldn't think about it for too long. It hurt. He was a broken child, and he accepted it.

It wasn't his choice. A lot of people left.

Kotku, Lee, his father, his mom, some friends in Ukraine, and now the one person he cared about the most.


So now he sit in between to garbage cans, living on the streets just like Ukraine. Boris still hadn't cried. It was there, but he was saving it. He didn't have to let it out yet. 

He buried his head in his knees, and tried to hug himself for warmth. He tried to seclude himself from the world. From the terrible streets of Las Vegas. Of the alley that was once filled with laughter by the two teens. Of the fact that his father was still out there. 

And of the thing that scared him the most. 

He was alone.

Boris had nobody. It was a scary thought. He knew from the moment he looked in the mirror he would probably die in a street somewhere.

And for a while, he wanted it to happen. 

But now he had so much to live for.

Theo, if he would even see him again.


Hobie, who one day he strives to meet. 

Even Xandra!



The idea hit him like bricks. 

Boris, trying the best he could, stood up and started to walk. He walked slowly, as he didn't expect Xandra to even let him in. 

It was worth a try, though. 

Boris walked until he stumbled upon the familiar house. He saw Xandra through the window, making martinis.

In Boris's mind, that was a fun way to spend Christmas Eve. 

He knocked. Xandra looked out the window, and once she realized who it was, flipped him off.

" Xandra! Xandra, merry Christmas!" Boris called.

" Get out. I have no words for you, thief," Xandra spat.

Boris winced.

" Look, am really sorry about that-"

" Save it. I don't want to hear it. You stole my drugs, my dog, and...where's Theo?"

" He's...he's somewhere. Is not important. Please, let me in. Is freezing out here!" Boris shouted. 

" Hm...nope!"

Boris sighed. He exhaled, sliding down the wall of the house. He felt tears prick his eyes, and he didn't try to stop them.

" Xandra...I really am alone! Kotku...she won't talk to me anymore! Lee locked his pool house doors. I tried to get in several times! M-my dad moved away! I'm alone, Xandra. I'm just alone, alright?"  

Boris sniffled and coughed. On top of all of this, now he was getting sick.

Xandra may have done some bad things, but she could not leave this child out in the cold. Xandra sighed, and walked outside. 

What she saw, literally broke her. She had always disliked the kid, until she saw how awful he really looked.

His hair was full of snow. He was pale, extremely thin, and his eyes had huge bags. He was getting sick. It was obvious.

Xandra helped him up. His head collapsed onto her shoulder.

She let him use her shoulder as support. He was taller than her, but he was limp. He couldn;t walk on his own.

Xandra laid him on the bed, turning up the heat. She switched the channel to some random Christmas movies, and pulled the blankets up to his neck. 

" Po-Potter?" he whispered. 

" N-no. He's not here. It's just me, alright?" 

" Ale, ya lyublyu honchara," he muttered. 

Xandra ran to go get him some water. 

Once she came back in, he was already asleep. 

The next morning Xandra awoke to rustling in the kitchen. 

She ran out to see Boris. He was smoking at the table, reading a magazine.

" Wanted to thank you for last night," he said.

" No problem. Stay here as long as you want."

He nodded.

" I think am going to go watch weathers," he said, rising from his seat.

Before he could leave, Xandra stopped him.

" Did you love him?" she asked.

Boris stood, stunned. He couldn't talk. Why would Xandra ask him this?

Finally, he managed to nod his head. 

" Now and forever." 

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