No, you don't

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Theodore Decker was drunk.

It was normal for Theo or Boris to just drink all day. 

They both  just enjoyed it, as they tried to forget a lot of things that had happened in their lives.

There were times when Theo wouldn't even remember what had happened, and Boris had to make sure Theo understood. 

There were even some nights where Theo would lay in the middle of the road, and just wait for a car. Boris had to sleep outside with him on the grass. 

On this particular Tuesday night, Theo was especially tipsy. He couldn't stand, see, or even talk properly. Boris knew what he had to do, as this was common. 

" Hey, c'mon Potter drink some water," the taller boy said, trying to get his friend to drink. 

Theo shook his head.

" No, I don't wanna!!" Theo whined, slurring each word.

" You have to. I don't want to put up with hangover tomorrow."

" No, Boris. I don't wanna drink water. Hey, can you get me a highlighter?" Theo asked, randomly.

Boris just did it, knowing Theo wouldn't stop asking if he refused.

He brought Theo the yellow highlighter, and watched what he did. Theo uncapped the marker, and got closer to Boris' face.

" What are you doing?" Boris chuckled. 

" Trying to highlight you! Because you're important!" Theo slurred.

Boris laughed, cheeks tinted pink.

The taller boy slowly brought Theo's arm down, capping the marker.

" Come on, Potter. Is late. Bedtime," Boris said, standing up.

Theo whined.

" I can't walk, Boris!" 

Boris dragged Theo up by his hand, letting the shorter boy use his arm as support.

" There. Now try taking one step at a time," Boris said, walking slowly.

When they finally approached Theo's room, the boy almost collapsed.

Boris gently laid his friend in the bed, and crawled in next to him. Drunk Theo hated being alone. 

" Am going to talk to you until you fall asleep, okay?"

" Mkay," Theo mumbled. 

" You're gonna hate yourself tomorrow," Boris said, giggling at the thought.

Theo suddenly rolled over to face him. 

" You look stupid," he muttered.

Boris burst out into laughter.

" Thanks, Potter. Not so bad yourself."

" But, like, stupid and pretty. Stupid pretty!" Theo beamed. He loved his idea.

Once again, Boris died of laughter.

" Drunk Potter is crazy," he said, in between laughs.

" Am not! Am not! You are!" Theo shouted.

" Okay, Potter. I am."

Theo suddenly started to get sleepy. His eye lids started to close.

" Hey, Boris?" 

" Yeah?"

" I...I think I love you," Theo muttered.

Boris went numb.

He's just drunk. He can't possibly....

Boris shook it off, faking a laugh.

" No, you don't."

" I know what I said, Boris. I mean it," Theo said sternly. 

" Potter, you're just drunk."

" Okay, that doesn't mean I didn't mean it," Theo slurred.

Boris went still. 

He knows. He's screwing with me. He's drunk. Stop. Stop this. Now!!

" Okay, Potter. I..I guess...I guess I-" 

Boris was interrupted by light snores from Theo. 

" I..I guess I love you, too," he finished.

The next morning, Theo ran to the bathroom. Everything came up. 

" Boris, why didn't you stop me from drinking?" Theo asked. He hated hangover.

Boris shrugged, the memory from last night still clouding his thoughts.

" Hey, Potter? Do you remember anything about last night?" Boris asked nervously.

" Not really...why?" 

Boris sighed,

" No reason. You just said some pretty random things," Boris said, and laughed to lighten the mood. 

Theo chuckled as well.

" I'm never going to get that drunk again. I don't remember one thing!"

Little did Boris know,

Theo remembered everything from the previous night. 

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