You're Scaring Me

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They weren't sober.

They weren't drunk, but they weren't sober. They were tipsy. Almost drunk, but not.

Boris was giggling about something that had happened. He couldn't remember what, but it was something.

Theo was just watching his best friend. When Boris got like this, it usually meant fun for all.

" No...I swear she is pig! Only likes me for face, I swear!" Boris declared. He couldn't remember who he was even talking about, but it was pretty damn funny whoever it was.

" Then why do you love her?" Theo asked.

" I don't know, Potter!" Boris cackled.

That made the shorter one burst out into a fit of giggles.

Boris looked at Theo, and just stared into his eyes. Theo looked back, not knowing what to do.

" I have to tell you something," Boris whispered.

" What is it?" Theo asked.

" I don't remember."

" Well try to. Now I wanna know, stupid," Theo chuckled, nudging Boris's arm.

Boris stared at the floor for a minute before raising his eyes to meet Theo's.

" Why are you looking at me like...," Theo trailed off.

" Like what?"

" Like that."

" What's that?"

" I don't know! Weird!" Theo shouted.

Boris sighed. He didn't quite know the answer to this question.

" If I knew...I would tell you."

" Why can't you tell me?"

" Because I don't know," Boris said.

" You're still doing it," Theo added.

" I could see that."

Boris didn't know what had gone through him. Whether it was the alcohol in his system, or just the need to do this, he took both of his hands and placed them on the sides of Theo's face.

Theo's eyes went wide. His mouth parted slightly. All he could see was Boris. He wasn't complaining, but he didn't know what he was feeling.

Boris had his eyes scanning every part of Theo's face. His mouth was parted as well. Some of his hair was in his eyes.

Theo reached a hand up and moved the hair in Boris's eye back. He knew that Boris wouldn't dare do it himself, as he was afraid this would be a dream. If he let go, he would wake up.

" B-Boris," Theo stuttered.

" Yeah?"

" You're...You're scaring me," Theo whispered.

" Am scared too."

" What are we doing?"

" I don't-"

" You have a girlfriend. I'm sober enough to know this is wrong."

" I understand, but-"

" Boris, what are we doing!?"

" Theodore," Boris whispered.

It was a new sound. He was used to ' Potter.' He had never been called Theodore by Boris. Ever.

Now he knew he meant business.

" Y-Yeah?"

" Is okay...right?" Boris asked, shyly. It amused Theo. Boris was never shy.

" I guess so," Theo whispered.

" This...This will mean something. Are you okay with that?"

" More than okay."

Boris felt himself starting to lean in. Theo closed his eyes.

All of a sudden, a crash startled them.

Boris jumped, making Theo jump. They heard a very drunk Larry Decker come stumbling in.

" Where the hell is Xandra," he growled.

" I don't know, Dad," Theo mumbled.

" You little...never mind."

Larry stumbled off again.

" Off the stuff. Sure," Theo uttered, rolling his eyes.

Boris gingerly took Theo's hand in his own.

" We should probably get some sleep."

" But...what about-" Theo was cut off.

" Tomorrow, Potter. We can talk tomorrow."

But they never did.

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