Make A Wish

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I'm here to remind you of this and this only:

" I can't believe you stole it."

" Look. Am not going to make excuses. I took it. But-" he smiled winningly--" am I dishonest? Did I lie about it?"

" Yes," I said, after a disbelieving pause. " Yes, you did lie about it."

And y'all are telling me they ain't married.

Was this the way?

He didn't know. He didn't care. He needed to get somewhere warm. It was pouring rain, of course. The blood from his forehead was colliding with the water, making it hard for him to even see where he was going.

He tripped over something, and landed face first in the street.


He got back up again, as per usual. He always got back up again, there was no other option.

His ribs hurt.

This could not be good for his insides.

Slowly, carefully, but oddly quick at the same time, he made it to where he wanted to be. He basically crawled up the steps and sat down by the door, throwing his head back.

" Potter," he whispered slightly, using his foot to kick the door. There were no cars in the driveway, meaning Xandra and Larry were gone.

He listened. Nothing.

" Potter," he tried again, kicking the door harder. Still no sound of Theo coming down the stairs.

Sighing, he managed to pick himself back up, and use his bruised knuckles to knock.

" Please, Potter! Is freezing. Am going to die of disease if you don't hurry!"

He heard the door click open. Theo stood there, trying to hold Popper back from running out to Boris.

" Can I come in?"

Stupid question. He was already in.

" You asshole. I told you not to go back there. I told you not to go if there was a chance he was gonna be home. You idiot!" Theo shouted.

" I didn't know!" Boris argued.

" Exactly! You didn't know! You shouldn't have gone! I told you not to go back there!" he started throwing light punches at his shoulder.

Boris grabbed his hand as he went for another punch. Theo looked at him, clearly angry.

" You were worried," Boris commented, not dropping Theo's hand.

" No shit!"

" But I've always come back."

And that's when Theo started to cry. He fell into Boris's arms, and they slid down the wall. Boris held him tightly as he cried, just like he had for many nights before.

" I thought he killed you. I really did," Theo cried into Boris's shoulder.

" Am here. Heart is beating," Boris said, placing Theo's hand on his heart.

" You really are an asshat. I lost my mother, and if I lost you, too..." Theo trailed off.

Boris nodded into his hair. They stayed like that for a few until Theo smelled blood.

" Shit. He got you good, didn't he?" Theo asked, quickly standing up.

" Yeah, guess so. Happy early birthday to me," Boris groaned, rolling his eyes.

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