Demolition Lovers

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Ok yeah they got back together. You really expected me not to write a Boreo oneshot with this title? Mhm

This song hits different but ok. Stan Bullets that album rules

Also as I was writing I realized that there is a very similar New Years fic on a03. I did not mean to copy any of it (the idea is very similar) bc i did not know it existed until today but that fanfic is awesome

Also the whole "what have I done to deserve the fucking?" is an actual piece of dialogue in one of me and mackenzie's convos 

I'm trying, I'm trying

To let you know just how much you mean to me

And after all the things we put each other through and

I would drive on, to the end with you

It was just all too fucking natural. The way they fell into each other, the way their lives crashed smack into each other was just too easy. The crash had left them breathless and tired. Boris was so sick and mentally exhausted over trying to find the reasoning for why this had happened. Why did they meet? Why was Theodore Decker pushed into his life like this? Boris was barely able to take care of himself, so how was he expected to care for someone else as well.

Christmas time was always wonderful for Theo in New York. Meals with his mother, a Christmas tree, presents. Even if the tree was small, and the presents weren't the most expensive, Theo had enjoyed every minute of it. He was with his favorite person in the world, so it didn't matter.

However, now he was spending Christmas with another person he deeply cared for, although he would never admit that. The thought always crossed his mind.

Was it worth it?

Was it worth it to lose his mother and gain Boris? Boris Pavlikovsky, the Russian kid who was staring at him with such a force that made Theo's knees weak. The same kid whom he loved from the beginning. He never chose to love him. He never would have if he did have the choice. Him and Boris together would destroy each other.


No. We would fit together. We would not destroy each other. Maybe for once I could be happy. We need each other.

Brushing those thoughts away, he turned his head to meet the eye of the boy sitting next to him. Boris immediately looked away, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"What?" Theo asked, although he already knew. He just wasn't ready to face that truth yet.

"Nothing," Boris responded, shaking his head.

"I'm serious. Why were you staring?"

"I wasn't."

"I fucking saw you," Theo spit back.

"Search me," Boris responded around the edge of his nail.

"I taught you that, fucker!" Theo shouted, hitting his shoulder. Boris shrugged.

"Fight me, asshole."

That was all it took. Theo didn't know what did it, but he snapped. As quick as a flash he was tackling the other, pinning him to the ground. As always, Boris flipped them over, and socked Theo in the jaw. Theo tried to punch back, but Boris was too strong. Even if Boris was just bones and no muscle, he was tall. Theo managed to kick Boris in the shin, causing him to groan. Boris jabbed his fingers into Theo's side, making Theo wince. 

"Give up, Potter?" Boris asked through gritted teeth. 

"You wish," Theo breathed out when Boris removed his fingers from his ribcage. Suddenly, the distance between the two seemed small. 

The Moon Is The Same Wherever You Go: Boreo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now