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Dear Boris,

Do you know what it feels like to love somebody?

Love is an amazing feeling.

It's only brought to those who are lucky enough. 

Love doesn't just come quickly.

Love at first sight isn't real. You need to get to know someone before you love them. 

The word ' love' should never be thrown around.


I guess it's just a rare and beautiful thing.

Love is very confusing. 

You think you feel it for somebody, and then somebody else comes along like ' Hey! You love me now!'

There are times when there is a forced love. 

You make yourself love somebody. 

Then there's the natural love.

It may sound like love at first sight, but it's not.

It's when you look at that person every single day and just know.

You know.

And it's not a kiss, hug, and sex type love.

It's just the kind of love where you want to be around them. 

At all times.

No matter what. 

The kind of thing where you get all giddy and excited  just to be next to them.

You just see a future with them.

Whether it's getting married or not, you just want them to be with you in the future. 

You want them with you every step of the way. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is,

I lo

Theo couldn't even write the words on the paper. He wanted to, so badly, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He was scared to write it.

Not because of what people would say, but because he didn't know if this would be overstepping the boundaries. 

He didn't know if Boris felt the same. 

It was 3 am, and both boys couldn't sleep. 

They were at opposite ends of the room, doodling random things on paper.

Theo was writing a letter, a letter he desperately wanted to give Boris.

But he wouldn't.

Little did Theo know, that at the other end of the room, Boris was doing the same thing. 

dear potter,

yes, am tired so is lower-cased.

okay, where to start.

i like you.

no, like is not word.

but i won't say that yet.

kotku is replacement.

i mean, yes she's cool and all, but i don't love her

not one bit, potter

you have to trust me

but, you are stubborn so you will not

you know potter, i have done research on love

is crazy term, yes?

why must you tell somebody, can't they just know?

i guess telling somebody helps make it official between yourself and the other person. 

i haven't told you yet, but i need to tell you something.

am probably going to tell you at the end of letter, so stay tuned. 

love is a beautiful thing.

yes, i said it.

it scares me a lot though.

am scared i will end up like him

i need somebody who will tell me that is not case

that i know i will not hurt

no matter what

that i can say three words to everyday

that i don't have to worry about leaving.

because i know for a fact they will stay

i guess potter what am trying to say is,

Ya tebe lyublyu

good luck translating that one


boris pavlikovksy 

Boris sighed contently, placing his letter on the ground.

" Am tired. Goodnight, Potter," he said, climbing into the bed.

Theo walked over to his side, and saw the letter.

He wanted to read it, but decided against it.

Theo knew for a fact that it was probably some love letter to Kotku.

Theo was right about one thing.

It was a love letter,

just not to the person he was thinking. 

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