It's A Magical Place

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HI! I know I made you all depressed with my last one, so here's a happy one. Would Larry ever take them to Disney? No. But we can pretend.

I got home from Disney a week ago so I WANNA WRITE FLUFFY DISNEY BOREO!

Also: In the movie Boris better imitate Theo

Excuse me, Miss

Larry Decker was not a good father, plain and simple. But, being the oblivious man he was, he didn't know he wasn't a good dad.

So, he got tickets to Disney. One for him, one for Xandra, and one for Theo.

When Xandra found out she was going to walk around in the heat for a week, she decided she did not want to go. Her exact words were:

" At least in Las Vegas I can stay inside all day."

Larry had broke the news to Theo, who just shrugged. He didn't really wanna go in the first place. Disney was stupid to him. The last time he had went was with his mom. He remembered how happy his mother had been. Her smile that was brighter than the fireworks, the way her eyes lit up when she saw a necklace she liked, and how excited she got to go on her favorite rides.

It made him sick to his stomach to know he would have to see all that again. Except this time, it was with the person he really despised; his father.

Another thought crept up in his head. Leaving Boris for a week was terrifying. He learned that he basically couldn't sleep without him. Boris was always there; catching him when he fell, holding him close and telling him it was okay. He couldn't leave him alone here for a week. Theo needed him, as much as he hated to admit it.

" Theodore," Larry said, opening the door of Theo's bedroom. This caused both boys to jump, and quickly rip apart their intertwined hands.

" Yeah?"

" Xandra doesn't wanna come. I'm gonna try and get a refund on the third ticket. Actually," Larry's gaze went from Theo to Boris, " Boris, do you want to come?"

Boris looked up, eyes wide and mouth parted.

" To world of Disney?" he asked.

" Yeah. I'm sure your dad wouldn't mind. Would he? I don't think so. I can always ask," Larry thought out loud.

Boris looked from Larry to Theo.

" I will ask my dad and let you know. Thanks for the offer, Mr. Potter," Boris said, and smiled. Larry nodded before exiting the room.

" Please come," Theo said immediately.

" Why? Can't live without me?" Boris teased, turning to face Theo.


" No. I just don't wanna deal with that shithead for a week," Theo groaned.

" Maybe I need a week of peace and quiet from you."

" Who are you trying to fool? You'd be crying without me. I can picture it," Theo said.

That earned a punch in the arm from Boris.

" I'll tell him tomorrow so it seems like I asked."

" So, you'll come?" Theo asked.

" Yes."

Theo actually smiled. Boris noticed it, and cocked his eyebrow.

" Is new face, I see."

Theo quickly stopped smiling, and cleared his throat.

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