Marry me, then!

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Yes, they're older. Not kids. So picture Aneurin and Ansel not Finn and Oakes 

I had this idea in math class

Boris Pavlikovksy and Theodore Decker had just reunited for the fourth time that month. 

They always arranged special places and weeks to meet up with each other.

Though neither would admit it, they both had that fear of losing each other again. They always made sure to be with each other. 

This time, Theo had something specific on his mind. He was surprised Boris hadn't brought it up.

" Hey, Potter!" Boris exclaimed, entering Theo's house. Ever since Theo had gotten back from collecting furniture, he had got himself a town house. 

" Hey, Boris! Come in, come in," Theo said, doing the hand motion for him to come.

Boris greeted Popchyk while Theo brought out chips. 

" So, I was wondering if we could discuss something," Theo said, patting the spot on the couch next to him.

Boris sighed.

He knew what this was. He had been expecting it.

" Okay, on with it," Boris sighed, taking off his coat.

" You kissed me. When we were 15," Theo blurted.

" Yeah...and? Did you not like it?"

" I never said that. We've just never talked about it."

" Okay, well that was a long time ago," Boris said nervously.

" So it means nothing now?" Theo asked.

" No...I just thought you moved on."

" I thought YOU moved on," Theo spoke up.

" Look, this was long time ago, yes? Can we just...forget it?" Boris pleaded.

" Forget it? No, Boris. Why did you do it?" Theo asked, his tone sharper.

" Potter...I think you know."

" Well, confirm my claim! Say it to my face!" Theo stood up now.

Boris did the same. " Potter...I just-" Boris started.

" What? It means nothing?"

" No, Potter! It was because I loved you! I still do! I love you Theodore, get that through your head!" Boris shouted.

Theo fell silent. 

" You..what?" Theo whispered.

" I said I love you. Get it, Potter?" 

" I..I..I love you too. I've only ever told you when we were-"

" Drunk?" Boris finished for him.

They both laughed.

" Well why didn't you tell me!" Theo started again.

" Because I was scared!"

" Of me? Your best friend?"

" I felt feelings I didn't know I could have!" Boris shouted.

" Well I told you know because I'm afraid of losing you!" Theo yelled.

" I don't wanna lose you either!"

" Glad it's not one-sided!"

" You know what Potter, maybe you should just marry me then!" Boris screamed.

" Fine!"

" Fine!"

Both stormed into different rooms.

As soon as they went in, they both processed what had just happened. 

Theo smiled, and Boris felt sick.

Quickly, they both exited the rooms.

" Did you just...ask me to like marry you?" Theo asked.

Boris nodded,

" I think."

" Okay, Boris. Let's do it," Theo smiled.

Both grew red, and burst into a fit of giggles. 

This was their best meeting yet. 

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