Wine Colored Bruises

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Sad fluff


Hey, this is kind of happy fluff in a way

there is mention of abuse so be aware

Theo and Boris were sprawled out on the floor of Theo's living room, watching some random movie on the t.v. They were both sober, as they had ran out of beer.

" Hey, I have some cigarettes at home. My dad isn't there, want me to grab them?" Boris asked.

" Sure. As long as your dad isn't home."

Boris nodded, and headed for the door.

" Be back in a few," he said before exiting. He walked out into the chilly night air, the wind making his hair go every which way.

The tall boy stuck his hands in his pockets, slumped his shoulders, and put his head down. He headed around the block, a few doors down, until he found his house. He knocked to make sure his father wasn't home, and when he heard no response, he opened the door. The floors creaked as he entered the old house, and he coughed at the dust that came off of the door.

Boris ran to his room, looking under the colorful mattress to find his pack of cigarettes that he stored in secret. It's not like his father cared anyway, but he still liked to pretend that he did. In Boris land, he had the great family that cared about his health. He put the cigarettes in his pocket, and headed down the stairs. That's when he heard it.

The sound of his dad pulling in the garage. He froze entirely as he saw the front door open, and his dad limp in. He had his cane in one hand, a half empty bottle of whiskey in the other. Boris did what he normally did when he came face to face with his dad; he looked down and crossed his arms.

" What the hell are you doing, boy?" Mr. Pavlikovksy spat.

" Nothing," Boris said.

" What's in your pocket?"

Boris looked at the clearly evident package in his pocket.

" Deck of cards," he lied.

With a shaking hand, his father brought up the cane and whacked him across the shoulders. Boris fell down the last three steps, and landed on his knees.

" Don't lie to me."

He hit him again, this time harder. He kicked him in the face with the heel of his shoe, which caused Boris to completely collapse on the ground. Using the flat end of the cane, he poked him hard in the back, and continued to dig it deeper until it reached his neck. He took a piece of plastic that had came off the cane, and made a gash in his hand. Boris had completely given up, his face bloodied and bruised so bad he couldn't see. His dad pulled him up by his hair, and as his final strike, hit his head down with the hook part of the cane. Boris was now completely down, and he couldn't stand. His dad took the rest of the whiskey, and dumped it on the cut on his hand.

" Wasted good whiskey on you," he said, and spit before exiting and driving away.

Boris groaned. Everything was blood. A huge puddle of blood was leaking from his hand, his hair was bloody, his back hurt but it wasn't bleeding, and cuts on his face were bleeding. He couldn't walk, he knew that. Boris managed to crawl to the door, leaning up enough to grab the handle and open it. He managed to get on his feet, but he couldn't walk very well. He managed to make it back to Theo's before collapsing at the door.

Boris had been gone for forty five minutes. That was unusual. As soon as Boris crashed against the door, Theo heard it. He ran towards it, shushing a whining Popchyk.

" Boris?" he whispered. He heard a groan from the other side of the door, and he opened it.

There was Boris, beaten and bloody, leaning against the wall. His head was back, and he was breathing through his mouth.

" I-I thought you said your dad wasn't home!" Theo shouted, running over to him.

" Was wrong," Boris muttered, spitting the blood in his mouth.

Theo grabbed his hand, and swung his arm around Boris's shoulders. Boris leaned into him as they walked into the house.

" Thank you," Boris whispered as Theo set him down on the couch. Theo put his hand on Boris's cheek inspecting the cut. Boris flinched at the gesture.

" I won't-wait. You know I would never hurt you, right?" Theo asked.

Boris nodded.

" You didn't think I would, right?" Theo continued.

Boris shook his head.

" This was an accident. He didn't realize is me," Boris said. Theo did a double take.

" Boris, this wasn't an accident. Drunk or not, this isn't right."

" He loves me."

" Boris..."

" Potter."

" Boris, this isn't normal," Theo said.

" I-I-" Boris stuttered, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Theo threw his arms around him and hugged him.

" I don't want to get deported. I-I live with it because if he doesn't love me, and somebody tells, then I get deported and realize nobody loves me. I die alone in Ukraine somewhere. Potter, if he doesn't love me, then who does?" Boris revealed.

" I know someone who does," Theo whispered. Boris pulled back a little and saw Theo's light smile.

Boris leaned in and kissed him quickly. They both looked down, cheeks tinted pink.

" Thank you," Boris whispered. Theo nodded, and moved Boris's hair back from the cut.

" It'll help it heal. That's what my mom used to do," Theo explained. Boris nodded, and leaned his head on the back of the couch.

Theo kept his arms around him and they fell asleep like that. They were okay.

They were home.

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