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Boris and Theo were sitting on Theo's porch steps, sharing a weed. 

They passed the thing back and forth, until Theo started to feel sick and gave the rest to Boris. 

Boris rapped him with his knuckles on the side of the head.

" Wuss," he had said, cackling with laughter. 

The only thing either of them could see was the ember of the cigarette.

They sat in silence, the occasional exhale from Boris.

Theo, not realizing what he was even doing, turned his head slowly. He glued his eyes to the side of Boris' face. He observed his features at night, and how his hair blew both ways with the wind. 

Boris felt his gaze, but didn't turn. He didn't understand why Theo was looking at him, because there was so much more to be looked at. However, he let it happen. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but it made him feel liked. 

After awhile, Boris turned his head, smirked at Theo, and blew smoke in his face.

" Hey!" Theo shouted, hacking up a storm. 

" Am not sorry," Boris laughed.

They continued to sit in a comfortable silence. 

Until it was time for Boris to look at Theo.

Theo, keeping his gaze straight, knew what Boris was doing.

" Stop looking at me," he muttered.

Boris howled with laughter, and shoved Theo.

" You were looking at me," Boris reminded him.

" Was not."

" Were too!" 

" Was not!"

Boris shoved Theo off the steps. 

" Hey, Potter?"

" Yeah?"

" You can look at me more often, if you want. Is cute."

Sorry this is short, didn't have a lot of time

The Moon Is The Same Wherever You Go: Boreo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now