You're Burning Up ( Part 1/2)

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Glittersilver  is amazing. That's all I wanna say.

Boris and Theo were sitting on the couch, watching some random show that just happen to be on. Theo was watching Boris out of the corner of his eye. Boris hadn't been acting like himself for the last few days, but whenever Theo had asked him about it, he would shake his head and say it was allergies. Although Boris didn't know, Theo noticed how he was sneezing late at night, taking the blankets off one minute, throwing them over himself the next.

He noticed the way he would get out of bed to grab a sweater from Theo's closet. He also noticed how he was frequently taking Aspirin, and laying off the vodka. He was paler than usual, and congested. That could only mean one thing.

Boris was sick. He was sick and wouldn't admit it. Knowing Boris, the stubborn person he was, it made sense he wouldn't admit it. He would believe he could take care of himself, much to Theo's annoyance.

" Boris?"

A sneeze.

"Boris, you're sick," Theo told him.

" Am not."

Theo sighed, before getting up to go grab the thermometer. Boris stood as well, and Theo noticed the way he grabbed onto the couch for support. When Theo came back in, he noticed Boris's knees were shaking.

" Boris, you aren't fine."

" Am-" 

Boris couldn't even get the words out before his knees gave out, and he fell hard on the ground. He caught himself on his arms, but it still looked like it hurt. 

Theo choked back his witty remark of, " Do you wanna finish that sentence?", and ran over to him. He placed a hand on his forehead, and drew it back at the heat. 

" You're burning up. That doesn't seem healthy," Theo said, a genuine worry laced in his voice. 

Boris only coughed. Theo let out a sigh, throwing his head back before grabbing his arm. 

" Try to stand," Theo commanded. Popper was trotting around Boris anxiously, whining every so often. 

" I got it," Boris growled, swatting Theo's hand away.

" No, you don't."

He tried to pull him up again, but it only resulted in Boris swatting him away again. It went on like that for a few, until Boris almost stood, but ended up grabbing Theo's sleeve to get on his feet. Boris fell again, and Theo got dragged down at the sudden force, and they landed with Theo's face inches away from Boris's. 

" Achoo," Boris mimicked, and smirked. Theo had wide eyes for a moment, before he realized the positioning.

" Get off me," Theo muttered. 

" Cough, cough." Another smirk. 

" Piss off," Theo muttered. Boris now managed to stand, even if the room was still swaying. He offered a hand to help Theo up, but as usual, Theo kicked it away. 

" You totally liked it," Boris teased. 

" Shut up. Go to my room, and you can get situated from there. I'll go get some medicine."

" Potter?" Boris called out, just as Theo was about leave.

He wanted to walk away. If he had called him Theo, if the bloody nickname didn't even exist, it would have made it so much easier.

But, alas, Boris was Boris, and he couldn't ignore him, no matter how hard he tried. 

" Yeah?" 

" I don't think I could get there on my own," Boris said, sheepishly shrugging. In reality, Boris knew he could, but he knew what would happen if Theo helped him get there. 

Theo muttered a bad impression of Boris, before walking over to him, and taking his hand. Boris could only smile at the fact that Theo fell for it. When they got there, Theo helped Boris into his side of the bed, and threw pajamas at him. 

" Change. I'll go get medicine," Theo said, and walked out of the room before Boris could get another word in. 

He knew what would have happened. He would have whined something about him wanting to stay, and Theo would have had no choice but to do it. And it was all because his pupils dilated when he looked at him. 

Theo grabbed a few pills, and walked back into the room with a cup of water. Boris glanced at him with tired and confused eyes as he entered.

" What is in your hand?" he asked. 

" Medicine. Take it," Theo said, and shoved the pills into his hands. Boris took them easily. 

It honestly scared Theo how easily he was able to take them. However, he didn't say anything. He had bigger things to worry about. 

" I'll stay here," Theo said, sitting down on the floor next to his side of the bed. 

" Y-You don't have to."

" No, it's fine. I want to."

Boris sighed, rolling over and facing the other way. He didn't really understand why Theo wanted to stay. He was sick, so it was probably boring for him to just sit there. After awhile, Boris fell asleep.


When Boris finally woke up, it was because he felt somebody putting something on his forehead. He opened his eyes to see Theo putting a wet cloth on his forehead. 

" What happened?" he tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. 

" You started whining in your sleep. I felt your head and you were burning up again," Theo explained. Boris watched as he walked to the dresser to grab something. He also noticed the shirt he was wearing.

" Is that my shirt?"

Sure enough, it was the Never Summer shirt. 

" Yeah. It smells like you," Theo shrugged, and took Boris's temperature.

Boris blushed. He must have been really drugged up. 

" Why? Do you want it back?" Theo asked. 

" No, is fine. It looks cuter on you." 

Boris noticed the slight smile that played at Theo's lips. Theo handed him an apple juice box. 

" Drink," he commanded.

" Seriously?"

" It helps."

Boris groaned. He drank it in three sips, and chucked the empty carton at Theo. 

" Goldfish?" Boris asked, hopeful. Theo nodded, rolled his eyes, and handed him a bag. 

" You're welcome. I actually paid for it," Theo grumbled. Boris picked up Theo's hand and kissed it lightly.

" Thank you," he whispered. 

" It's just Goldfish," Theo mumbled.

" No...I meant thanks for caring for me. Nobody has ever done that before," Boris said, rubbing a circle with his thumb on the back of Theo's hand. 

" You're welcome," Theo managed to say. Suddenly, Theo pulled his hand away from Boris and walked to his side of the bed. He climbed into bed, and laid his head on Boris's chest.

" Am sick," Boris reminded him. 

" I don't care. I missed this."

His pupils dilated for a reason. 

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