First Day....

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I got out of the car and waved my mum goodbye before looking at the large college and all the students rushing about.

I walked shyly to the reception opening the red doors and walking in, there was a girl talking to the woman at reception, she had just longer than her shoulders blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she wore a little eye make up, that I noticed and dimples when she smiled, "hello and who are you" the brunette behind the desk asked, I cleared my throat "I'm Bradley, Bradley Simpson, I've just moved here", I said shyly not making much eye contact but quickly glimpsing at the blonde, "Oh yes I know who you are now, here's your time table", she said handing me a piece of paper, "well, I'd better get to my first lesson, its a lot more tiring in college than high school", the blonde complained, "all right bye chicken", the brunette smiled and they both waved at each other as she left.

"Who's that?" I asked curiously, "that's Sara Lenehan, first year like you, very kind and passionate", the brunette smiled, "well, thanks", I said holding up my time table and leaving.

I walked to my first lesson, everyone stared at me like I'd just killed a man, "um.. Hi, I'm Bradley, Bradley Simpson, my time table says I should be here" I looked at the time table and then the dark haired man, "Oh Bradley hello, just take a seat next to Mr ball there" the man smiled and pointed next to a boy with hedgehog hair, 'I'm Mr Gregory I am to be your Media teacher while Mrs Jacobs is on Maternity leave" he said as I took my seat next to the other boy.

"Hi I'm Connor" the other boy said holding out his hand, I shook it shyly, "Hi I'm Bradley but just call me Brad" I replied smiling, "well its nice to meet you brad" Connor smiled.

After having a very interesting conversation with Connor he took me to the canteen, I just got a bottle of coke to satisfy my thirst, "come on James and Tris are over there I'll introduce you" Connor smiled leading me over to the two taller and older boys, "Hey Con who's this" "James, Tristan this is Brad, he's new" Connor introduced me, "hey brad it's nice to meet you" James shook my hand as did Tristan, "so shall we sit down" James smiled, "yeah sure" Connor gestured to the table, "so what's your main focus in college, what do you wanna do when you leave" James asked still smiling, "um... I wanna go into the music career, my parents are always telling me how good at singing I am" I smiled awkwardly, "that's great you're with me then" Connor smiled excitedly, "yeah if you join the singing group you can be in our band" James smiled "really, so you're all in this band" I smiled pointing to them all, "yeah, I'm lead guitar and vocals, Connor's our new bassist and Tris plays the drums" James explained pointing to each member, "wow, so what are you called" I asked, "at the moment we're called CJT, cos you know Connor, James and Tristan but we're still thinking, we just need to know one thing", James looked at me tapping his fingers against the wood table, "whats that?" I asked my face dropping slightly, "can you play any instruments at all even a little bit" he asked me politely, "I've played guitar since i was like 11 or something and I can play a little piano" I shrugged, "that's great, just instead of going back to your room tonight come to the music room, we'll probably be there" James smiled, "okay then I will" I exhaled nervously, "don't worry brad I'm sure you'll be great" James reached across and put one hand on my shoulder, "thanks" I smiled at him.

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