A Week early.....

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Guys there is giving birth in this chapter I mean its not disgusting but just a prewarning!!!


Once in the hospital, Sara was rushed off, I chased after the bed she was lay on, I pushed through the crowd, as Sara was taken into the delivery room I ran in where the doctor was stood telling her to calm down, "I can't do it, I'm not ready" Sara cried, "I'm sorry Miss you haven't got a choice the baby is coming now and isn't waiting until your ready" The doctor explained as a nurse dabbed Sara's head with a cloth, "b-but, I'm A Week Early" Sara looked at the doctor as she lay down a little, relaxing slightly, "it doesn't matter, Baby wants to be early, so you've not got a choice" the doctor was just trying to get her to start pushing as all she was doing was holding on, and he said that wouldn't be good for her, "are you the husband" a nurse asked me, "boyfriend" I nodded, "father to this baby" she asked, "um... yeah sure" I scratched behind my ear as I couldn't answer that.

After 5 minutes the baby still wasn't born, Sara was close to giving up and the doctor was saying if the baby isn't born soon they'll have to cut her open, "come on Sara you need to get this baby out of you" I held her hand, "Brad I can't, I don't have the strength" Sara's head was dripping with sweat and I believed her, she looked exhausted, "well lets just try once more, and hopefully baby will get outta there" I smiled, "okay" she nodded weakly as the nurse began to dab her forehead again, "okay lets try this again" The doctor said going back to his previous position, "ok you'll need to push for 20 seconds, if there's nothing then we'll need to take you for sezarian section" the doctor explained, "okay, 3....2....1 and push" as the doctor gave Sara the order to push, she shot forward and headbutted me, she was fine but I fell to the floor, "you have no idea how much this hurts" I said kneeling back up and holding my head in pain, I gained a black look from Sara, "okay, okay I take that back" I said grabbing her hand again, "okay, 10 more seconds" the docor announced, "I see a head" the doctor sounded rather relieved, "5 seconds" the nurse looked at her watch, "almost here" the doctor smiled, "3...2....1 and stop pushing" the nurse looked as the docor finished and removed the feet, "you want to cut the chord sir" the nurse was about to hand me some scissors, "yeah what the hell" I said grossing out slightly, "congratulations its a boy" the doctor said after I'd cut the chord, I felt like I was about to vomit, but when I heard it was a boy I smiled, as did Sara who looked tired but happy, "you did it" I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

A few minutes later Tia, Sam, Charl, Tris, Con and Jems rushed in, "is it a boy or a girl" James asked, "shh, Sara's asleep and its a boy" I whispered pointing to sara who was fast asleep, "yaaas" Tristan fist pumped, "congratulations Brad, so when are you gonna find out who's it is" James asked hugging me, "I don't know that's up to Sara, she said she's just gonna give him Lenehan as his last name as she doesn't want to know just now" I shrugged, "ah right" James nodded, "right now he's called baby boy Lenehan" I giggled, "well... I'm proud of you Brad we all are" James looked at me and then the group who was stood behind him, I just smiled slightly.

And then got hugged by everyone.

Sorry guys if these seemed a bit rushed but I'm trying my best to keep it interessting so I hope you've enjoyed the past two chapters as they haven't been very long x 

Also the outfits aren't in a link because they're just the same as in the last chapter (no one bothered to get changed before coming to the hospital) x

Love Sara BagginsSimpson yaaaas xxx

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