Weekend at Sara's (Thorpe park)

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We got up at 6am to get ready for Thorpe park, James was driving again but this time a sat nav was in order.

"How did I end up here" Sara said as she woke up looking me in the eyes, "I carried you, I couldn't wake you up" I smiled at her slightly, "naww Brad you're such a bae" she kissed my nose and climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom to get changed.

"Is everyone here" James said as we all stood in the hotel car park, "WAIT FOR MEEEEE" Connor yelled as her ran across the car park with his bag on his back, "now we're all here" Tristan giggled, "Sara have you signed that piece of paper" James pointed to Sara, "yup" she nodded to him and smiled, "right come on guys to Thorpe park" James announced in his medieval knight voice, "to Thorpe park" everyone called after him, "right Tia will you help me with this Sat nav please" James smiled at her, "you to seem to be bloody inseparable now what the heck is going on" Connor asked getting in the back of the car, "nothing" James looked at Tia and smiled, "yeah it looks like nothing" Tris added.

On the way to Thorpe Park we were all singing every so often having a battle of the bands, it wasn't fair Sara can hit higher notes than me.

When we arrived I decided it was time for confessions, "guys I need to confess something" I spoke up as everyone arrived out of the ticket stalls, "what" Sara tilted her head and smiled, "I have a fear of roller coasters" I smiled slightly looking at the floor, "naww Bradley's scared, don't worry I'm not keen either so we can scream like big girls together" Sara kissed my cheek and pulled me closer to the others, "um... yeah I'm the same" James raised his hand slightly, "you're all babies" Samantha giggled at them, "hey I'm not" Connor felt offended, "aww Connor I know your not" Samantha said pouting, "thank you" Connor giggled.

We all decided first to go on Tidal wave I looked at it and gulped as did Sara, "okay come on then" Charlotte and Tristan skipped off with their arms linked, "shitting seven hundred and sixty" Sara whispered in my ear, "Same" I said whispering in her ear, "come on then" she said linking arms with me and holding my hand tightly.

We decided to go in fours Sara as she was the smallest, then me who being a short arse was the next smallest, then Charlotte and then Tristan. As we set off Sara kept repeating "get me off Imma gonna die" she then tucked her head between her knees, "Sara it's okay Imma gonna die too" I said getting slightly afraid, no a lot afraid, "will you two get a grip" Tristan laughed, "I'll get a grip of your neck how's that grab ya" Sara said turning her head around to look at him, "owkay calm yo shit" Tris continued to laugh.

When we got off we where soaked to the bone, "I'm so c-cold" Sara said rubbing her arms, "I have a f-feeling this was a b-bad day to wear j-jeans" Sara turned to look at the rest of us, "yeah lets go dry off in those dryer things" Tristan said pointing to the big orange containers, we then all followed Tris and Charlotte I put my arm around Sara and she rested her head on my arm.

We all shared one big dryer and there was a shower like curtain on it that no one really used but we decided to pull it across, "so what are we gonna go on next" Tris looked at us sorting his hair out, "I think I'm just gonna go and get something to eat and all you people who wanna go on something else can do" Sara said trying to get as much water out of her plait as possible, "um... yeah if you don't mind I think I'll go with Sara and get something to eat" I ran my hand through my hair and took my jacket off, "no we don't mind do what you will Brad stop being so shy and nervous we're not gonna say anything" Charlotte smiled at me, maybe I was being a bit to shy, "well we'll see what the others want to do and then we'll split off" Tristan said as the dryer stopped.

Outside were Connor, James, Samantha and Tia all waiting for us, "so what we doing next" Samantha smiled at us excitedly, "well Sara and Brad are gonna go and get something to eat so who ever want to miss out on the next ride you can go with them" Tristan explained to the group, "yeah, I wouldn't mind food" James looked at me and Sara and smiled, "well, I'm hungry to so I'll come" Tia said getting her purse out of her bag, "well if us four go to get food you four can go on the biggest ride in the park" I said as everyone laughed.

 When we got to the restaurant style place we all walked in and looked at the menu on the wall, "so what you guys gettin'" James asked, "um.. I dunno" I said looking at the wall, "I'm gonna have the cheese and bacon burger don't judge me I'm hungry" Sara said walking to the ordering place, "yeah I think I'll have the same" James said following her, "so you're Brad right, we've not had time to talk since you've come" Tia looked at the wall menu and then at me, "yeah I'm Brad" I smiled at her, "so you and Sara are something of an item I see" Tia giggled under her breath, "yeah I guess so" I laughed a little, "well, just watch out Justin her ex is very clingy and won't let her go, he won't let you stand in the way, and to say much, you're not exactly the tallest are you" Tia looked me up and down, "no, but I'm sure it'll be fine" I smiled at her and walked to the counters.

Over dinner we discussed what we think everyone will be doing in five years time, "I think you boys will still be together as a famous boy band, and you'll have teenage girls drooling over you and then when you get girlfriends they'll be all sad and heartbroken" Sara announced to us, "thanks Sara, I don't feel awful at all for breaking teenage girls hearts" James smiled at her sarcastically.

We then ran into the others, Connor was pale in the face, "I feel sick" Connor moaned, "why what did you go on" Sara laughed, "fuckin' Samurai" Tristan looked at us, they all looked like they were gonna throw up, "I don't know what you're trying to say, that was amazing" Samantha said skipping past them, "are you still crushing over her then" I whispered in Connor's ear, he nodded and then ran to the nearest bin and threw up, "you dirty bastard" James laughed, "what the fuck, no he's just been sick hasn't he no, piss off Connor don't come near me" Sara started having a panic attack over Connor's vomit.

We went on a few more rides before getting back in the car and driving back to Sara's, Natalie was waiting for me in the car, "look Brad your sister is already here" James pointed to my sisters car, "oh goody I've wanted to meet her so she can tell me all your embarrassing stories" Sara said jumping out of the car and running to my sisters car.Great.

I walked to my sisters car after saying goodbye to everyone, I stood next to Sara at the drivers side window as she laughed with my sister,"what did you tell her" I looked at Natalie in disapproval, "um... nothing" she smiled cheekily looking at Sara, "your secrets are safe with me" Natalie smiled, then Sara giggled, "what sis you tell her" I said throwing my stuff on the back seat, "nothing get in" Natalie grinned, "okay right, so I'll see you tomorrow in college for the photoshoot" Sara looked at me and smiled, "yeah" I said as she kissed me quickly and then walked away into the house with the others.

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