Let me sing one song....

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-Not Quite 5 months later-


The boys went back and filmed Wildheart and did their Mini tour all in the space of two months, they got back when my baby bump had grown not a lot but It had grown, to be honest I didn't look to bad for someone who's due date was one week away, the first thing Brad said was 'Hiya Fatty'. 

The boys where doing a one night concert in the small venue down the road, Samantha, Tia and Charlotte where doing it as a three piece as Brad was being very over protective and wouldn't let me do anything that he thought could damage the baby's health.

When we arrived at the venue Brad sat me down in the boys dressing room and looked me in the eyes, "are you going to be okay alone here" he asked, "Braaaaad please let me sing one song with he girls pleeeeeaaaaase" I begged, "no, something could happen with the baby you could like give birth on stage" Brad looked at my bump and sroked it, "Brad I'm not going to give birth on stage, please Brad just let me sing one song" I begged and begged until finally he gave up, "fine but only one and if you give birth on stage I'll cry" Brad said standing up, "well why don't the girls sing the song I'm gonna do with them last so if I do we're not ruining anyones night" I suggested, "okay, I'll tell Joe your plan" Brad huffed, "thank you Brad" I flirted my eyelashed cheekily.

It came to the last song that I was doing with the girls, we where doing Daylight Robbery as that was the first single we did and the single we released before breaking up, "are you okay, are you ready" Brad asked me before we went on, "yes I'm fine" I said just as the audience applauded us to come on, "good luck" Brad kissed my cheek before we walked on.

"Hiya guys, I've begged Brad to let me sing one song with my lovely band mates, and after a while he agreed so tonight we're singing our first ever single Daylight Robbery, I hope you enjoy it" I said before we began.

The whole way through the song my stomach was crampy, and by the end I felt faint, then the baby started to kick, I looked at the sidline as Brad rushed on and grabbed me before I fell, "Sara are you ok, I told you this was a bad idea" Brad looked me up and down, "Brad don't say I told you so but, I think I'm having a baby" I squinted my eyes at him, "why do you say that" Brad questioned, "because my waters just broke" "shit, shit, shit, come oooonnnnn" Brad panicked helping me up, "right guys I gotta go as Sara is inconviniantley giving birth so love you lovely lot but I gotta go so byyee" Brad announced before rushing off, and taking me out with him.

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