The End of the Road.....

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Me, Brad and James where sat in a taxi making our way to the Cheeky mess band house, we sat in silence. Brad was looking out of the window with a face like thunder, Kelly had told him its over between them, but right now he was mad, he didn't care about anyone but Sara and that baby, his fists were clenched and his jaws were locked shut, James was very much the same, glaring out of the window every so often looking down to his bag which held his gun, my bag rested next to James's bag, both holding a small gun, this was all about revenge, revenge on Justin.

We where about 10 minutes from the house when James yelled "Stop" the taxi driver shit himself as he came to a halt, "what is it?" I asked as brad looked up, "Justins car" James went into deep thought looking at the black Suzuki swift, "I know where he is" James said before jumping out of the car with his bag, Brad also lept out followed by me, "here" I threw about £100 at the driver and he smiled before rushing off, me and Brad followed James down about what felt like a million stairs, "Where we going" Brad finally spoke, "shh" James looked down at the floor, he then tapped the floor with his foot until he came to a place where the floor became hollow, "here" James said handing me his stuff, he then found a small brass handle and pulled it up, to my amazement it was a trap door, "wooooaaah" I gazed in surprise, "he used to bring me here when we were kids, every time I stayed over he'd bring me here to tell me about all the arguments his parents had during the time I hadn't seen him" James explained, when we heard a snap of a twig, "who's there" James stood up quickly, "Elijah" James said as the short dark haired man appeared around the corner with a gun, "James" Elijah said shocked, he put his gun down and walked over and 'guy' hugged James, "Brad I don't think you've met Elijah yet" James looked at us as Brad looked at him blankly, "well...  Brad this is Elijah Sara's Brother" James had his arm over the guys shoulder, "wait... Brad" Elijah looked up at James, "yeah why" James looked down at him, "is this the other dude who supposedly impregnated Sara" Elijah looked a little frustrated, "umm... Yeah" James smiled slightly, Elijah then walked up to Brad and glared into his eyes, they were the same height so it was pretty funny, Elijah then looked him up and down, "eh... I could live with anothere short arse kid in the family, I mean anyone is better than Justin, sooo lets hope its yours" Elijah smiled slightly and turned back to James, "Charl he called me small" Brad said feeling sorry for himself, "well... You are" I giggled, "Elijah, you keep watch, we'll go in" James arranged, "sure my eyes are open" Elijah smiled, "they're never fucking closed"James huffed as I giggled and followed James down the stairs into darkness.


Soon we came into the light as we entered a large square room with a bed in one corner and a sofa in the other. I looked across the room to see Sara, her hands tied to the rail above her and her mouth sealed, "Sara" I whispered to myself as I ran over, "Brad" James called after me, I just gently removed the tape from her mouth, and cut the rope so she was free, I cried at the sight of her, "I've missed you so much" I pulled her into a tight hug, "I've missed you more" Sara cried, "see your getting fat now" I giggled as she scowled at me, "its only a little bump" Sara moaned, "its perfect" I smiled pecking her lips.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here" Justin walked out pointing two guns in the direction of me and Sara and one in the direction of Charlotte and James, James and Charlotte had their guns out and where pointing them at Justin, "I thought you'd never find me, I was just going to have Sara meet her maker, and take the little fucker with her" Justin gestured to Sara who I stood in front of, "you bastard" I growled as my fists clenched, "you mad Brad, you wanna hit me don't you" Justin smiled at me, I losened my hands off calming myself down, "no, no I don't, your not worth me getting hurt over" I shrugged and smiled, "fine I'll just kill you instead" Justin adjusted his gun, "Justin don't you fucking dare" James stepped in snarling, "oh James I forgot you were here" Justin glared at him also adjusting the other gun he was holding, then Charlotte coughed, getting attention on her, "shit, no more hands means no more guns, good job you don't have the guts to shoot me" Justin walked a step closer to Charlotte, his guns still aimed at me, Sara and James, "stay away Justin I'm not afraid to shoot you" Charlotte gritted her teeth and adjusted her gun ready to shoot, "I'll shoot you first....slut" Justin brought both guns together and pointed them at Charlotte, Charlotte had a tear trickling down her cheek, like she was hiding something, "Charl, don't let him talk to you like that shoot him" I growled, I just wanted him dead, "oh, do they not know, oh why don't we tell them" Justin smiled stepping closer to Charlotte, Charlotte's gun dropped slightly, before she held it by her side, "Charl" I almost whispered, "Charlotte and I had a night together, a crazy night, raw animal sex night, and this was the week before I shagged Sara so she must have still been wih Tristan or whatever, yeah it was hot and sweaty, she left me wanting more, buut I had to go else where, to someone I knew had the best sex, but she didn't give it willingly, even forceful sex from Sara is good" Justin now had his arm around Charlotte who was crying her eyes out and she was shaking the gun was still by her side and I could tell she wanted to use it, but she didn't she just slipped out of Justin's gripand walked away, "see all girls are weak" Justin said raising one gun and pointing it at Charlotte.


There was a loud bang and silence, as me and Sara looked over to James and Charlotte, "James are you alright" Charlotte looked at James who looked stunned, James then collapsed to the floor, Charlotte dropped her gun and picked him up in her arms, Sara raced past me and knelt by his side, I also ran over but observed from a stand, he'd been hit, blood stained his clothes, he'd been shot just below the shoulder, "I told you I'd win one day James, I finally found your weak spot, your too caring, too compasionate, that's your weakness" Justin nodded smiling as he turned around and went to walk away, "and your weakness Justin, is thinking your stronger than girls" I said looking at Charlotte who was now stood next to me with a gun in her hand, Sara was knelt beside James at his aid, Justin turned around and looked into Charlotte's glaring eyes for a split second.

At the sound of a loud bang, Charlotte glared at Justin as he fell to the floor, "go to hell" Charlotte said putting the gun back by her side before going back to James' assistance.

"James, your gonna be fine, you have to be" Sara cried, "we need to take him to hospital" Charlotte looked at Sara, Sara nodded as she wiped a tear away, "don't worry Sara, I will be fine, but just in case" James paused as he gulped with as much strength as he could grasp, "tell Tia I love her, and that she's just the best and always makes me smile, I've never known anyone like her" James coughed when he finished, "sure thing" I nodded as tears came to my eyes, "man up Brad" james giggled as I wiped a tear away.

"Guys, what happened" Elijah looked at James as I carried him out with the help of Charlotte, (he's really quite heavy) "Jusin shot him" Sara hugged her brother, "we need to get him to hospital, I'll take him, but Sara did he harm you or the baby" Elijah turned to Sara, "no I'm fine" Sara wiped her tears away, "great, we need to hurry" Elijah sped up, "I'll go with you, Brad you take Sara to the band house" Charlotte said sitting in the back of the car with James' head rested on her lap, "no I want to come" Sara moaned weakly, "no Sara you need to go home and rest, I'll ring beth telling her that you are safe and wont be going back to Manchester for a while" Elijah explained getting in the car, "Um.. okay" Sara was weakly speaking and looked very pale, "don't worry he'll be fine" Elijah smiled at Sara before driving off in his car leaving me and Sara at the edge of the road.

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