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3 weeks on....


We where in the band house, and Samantha and Tia where just going to leave to take a day at college to help out in the music department they where going with James and Connor, "okay we'll see you later" Samantha called, "see ya" Charlotte called, "bye" the whole household called.

Tristan and Brad had stayed the night and where in the kitchen whilst me and Charlotte where upstairs, "here" Charlotte said handing me the cardboard box discretely, "thanks" I smiled at her slightly, "good luck" she looked at me worried, "thanks" I repeated as I walked into the bathroom.


Me and Tristan where in the kitchen and Tris was sat on the work surface just watching me make breakfast, "soooo Justin's left right" I asked turning my head to look at him for a small second, "yup, he's gone to like somewhere up in the north west, that's what I heard anyway" Tristan crossed his legs on the counter, "excuse me trissy boy get your feet down" Charlotte tapped him, I just giggled, "what's Sara doing?" I asked still focusing on breakfast, "um... she's just in the bathroom" Charlotte smiled nervously, "Charlotte is everything alright" I smiled confused, "yeah" she said hopping up on the counter next to Tristan and whispering something in his ear.


I was sat on the toilet seat waiting until time was up, until I heard my phone start bleeping, I turned off the alarm and exhaled heavily, before picking up the test and closing my eyes before I opened one eye at a time but when I saw the result, both of my eyes opened involuntarily....


I gulped, then heard as Brad knocked on the door, "Sara, are you alright you've been in there a while" Brad sounded worried, "y-yeah f-fine" I panicked feeling dizzy, I threw it in the bin wrapped in toilet roll, and paced up and down worrying, my phone then buzzed....

What was it? x Charlotte x

So I text her back telling her the result, I stepped out of the bathroom and walked into my room, "Sara what's wrong" I heard Brad from behind me, I ignored him, I felt weak and then my whole body collapsed to the floor.

"Sara, Sara are you okay" I woke up in Brad's arms, "Sara answer me" Brad demanded as I sat up, "Sara tell me what's wrong" Brad was getting worried, "this can't be happening" I whispered to myself, "what" he asked, "what about the band, what about my career" I questioned myself, feeling weak again, I flopped onto my bed, "Sara-What's-wrong" Brad's patience was running low, "and who's is it?" I asked myself, "who's is what?" Brad was almost yelling confused, "Sara are you OK" Charlotte came to the door, "she won't tell me" Brad stressed, "I don't even know who's it is" I looked at Charlotte, "it's okay it's gonna be fine" Charlotte said sitting beside me, "will someone tell me what's going on" Tristan came up beside Brad, "and me please" Brad stressed, "can I tell him?" Charlotte asked me, I just nodded, "might not be his anyway" I said aloud, "okay I'll tell him, Brad this way" Charlotte led him out of the room.


Charlotte took me into her room and stared at me a moment, "what's wrong" I asked confused, "Sara's Pregnant" Charlotte just came out and said it, "what" I asked considering what she said, "Sara's pregnant and the worst part, she doesn't know who's it is, yours or Justin's, and that's why she's being all fucked up in the head" Charlotte had her arms crossed, "oooooh crap, fucking hell" I said, feeling the need to cry, then the tears came, "hey, this would be better if Sara wasn't completely against abortion" Charlotte looked at me, "great, fucking brilliant" I said sitting down on the bed and crying trying to get my tears away, "so what you thinking" Charlotte asked finally sitting down and trying to comfort me.....

"well... a part of me thinks that if its Justin's I'll hate myself, but then another part of me thinks that if its mine, I don't want to be a part of any of it, then there's the other part of me which says, if its not mine treat it as my own, and if its mine love it like it was meant to be, I can't say, I love Sara, but I don't want this, I don't want a baby, I am willing to look after a child, but also I don't think I'm capable, I'd hate myself if I raised a child that was dragged up or was horrible towards either me or Sara" I felt Charlotte hold my hand, "Brad, I don't think you could ruin anyone, Sara's changed since she met you, and if it's Justin's, she's gonna need you there, she loves you Brad, but I know that you love Sara and you just want the best for her" Charlotte smiled, "thanks Charl, I'm gonna help her through this, as best I can, but what about the band" I looked at Charlotte, "yeah we're gonna have to make compromises but we don't care as long as we have each other" Charlotte smiled, "I'm gonna go and see how Sara is" I hugged Charlotte and walked into Sara's room where she was lay facing the wall, "Sara, hey, it's okay" I sat beside her as she cried, "look, I'm here for you, no matter who's it is" I said rubbing her stomach, "move over" I said, she moved over and then I climbed in next to her, "hey, look at me" I poked her, she then rolled over and looked at me, "thank you" I smiled at her, I then kissed her nose and pulled her close to me so her head was on my chest, then I started to softly sing Justin Timberlake's Cry me a river whilst rubbing my hands gently on her back,

You were my sun

You were my earth..... 

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