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We all piled into James' car as we prepared to go to Tris' when my phone buzzed in my pocket,


Please stop ignoring me I hated performing next to you yesterday just talk to me

I grunted and put my phone back in my pocket.

We had recorded the songs in the studio yesterday (Tuesday) the only time there was sound was when we where singing, the rest of the time it was awkward silence, we had to record ‘Me and My Broken Heart’ twice because Sara was gritting her teeth to stop herself from crying, I just ignored her and carried on.

“So guys have you thought of which song you’d like to cover” Tristan said turning to look at me and Connor, “um… yeah, I was thinking Brokenhearted by Lawson” I spoke up, “hey, I was gonna say that” Connor looked at me in disgust, “guys is this because the Lawson boys are staying really close to Tris’ and we might run into them” James looked in the mirror, “no, no not at all” Connor smiled sarcastically, “well chances are we will run into them, they are recording a song near there and their dressing room is practically down the road” Tristan smiled, “ooooh yippee” Connor giggled excitedly.

When we arrived at Tristan’s we where greeted by his mum who greeted us in and gave Tristan a huge hug, “so who’s this Tris’” his mum asked looking at me, “mother this is Brad, Brad this is mother” Tristan introduced us and I smiled awkwardly.

“So shall we go outside to film or what” Tristan asked, “yeah we’ll go outside” James smiled, we all walked outside with our things, “Oh I forgot the camera I’ll go get it” Tristan said pointing back down the hill, “Ok we’ll set up” James said placing some of the stuff on the floor.

A few minutes later Tristan walked up the hill with company, also known as Lawson’s manager, “wow, this is gonna be awkward” Connor giggled, “why” I asked him, “well if that’s Lawson’s manager and we’re singing a Lawson song” Connor said giving me the wink, wink, hint, hint look, “I hear you need help with the filming” The other man said smiling at us, James greeted him as me and Connor stood there in pure amazement.

Just at that moment my phone buzzed in my pocket again


Can we just forget this all happened and start again it doesn’t feel right not talking to you I really like you Brad don’t ignore me please xx

I raised my eyebrows and looked at me phone a moment, “yeah piss off” I whispered to myself as I put my phone back in my pocket.

“Right guys we ready” James asked as we all took our positions.

After filming we all looked at each other in a sigh of relief, “wow guys you’re really good, say, why don’t you come down and meet the lads you can chat for a bit give you advice on how to become bigger stars, if you want to that is” The manager (still don’t know this guys name) announced to us, Connor’s face changed he was obviously excited to meet them.

We met the boys and had something to eat before the Lawson boys went filming for and hour, we where told to go in their dressing room as there was a surprise waiting for us, we went in and looked at some of the stuff and there was a guy filming us when the Lawson boys came in and chucked us back out the dressing room yelling at us jokingly, we then got outside and almost wet ourselves laughing, then the guy stopped filming, and laughed along, “was that believable” Adam one of the band members came out smiling, “yeah I shit myself” Tristan said sarcastically, “ahh well it was worth a shot” he smiled, “well guys we best be getting back got college tomorrow” James said huffing, “well it was great meeting you guys you’re very talented, hope we meet again soon” Adam smiled shaking our hands as we left, “yeah you too” I said as he shook my hand last, “hey Brad isn’t it” Adam smiled, “yeah why” I grinned back, “well check Cheeky Mess’ YouTube channel I was told you and the lead singer had a thing and it went to shit but check out their new covers there’s two but I think one of them is towards a certain person” he said giving me the hint, hint look, “okay I will on the way home” I smiled at him awkwardly. How’d he know?

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