The First Singles...

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Our first single was out and now we were filming the music video as were the girls, our single Can we dance was released on the same day as Daylight Robbery, people had started to ship me and Sara and had also shipped me with other members of The Vamps but we played along it was mostly me and Tris being shipped as we spent most of our time together and were both pretty crazy.


Me and the girls were on set doing our first day of filming we got to film with one of my favourite actors Asa butterfield and he said he liked our music a lot, I also had quite a bit in common with him and we had fairly regular conversions, he was a really nice guy.

In our music video it involved running jumping over things which was hard as we had to do it in heels but Samantha didn't do any jumping as she'd hurt her ankle and was wearing a skirt. It also included stalking Asa which I had no problem with. It started in a cafe where me and the girls where sat at a table and we were gazing helplessly at Asa and as he got up to leave he winked at me, I blushed properly and the director thanked me for blushing as it added effect. Then it was like us girls were watching him like when he walked down the street we followed him and when he turned around we had to make it look like we where chatting to each other.

We went to our photoshoot and we had to wear hoodies which made my day as I love them, we then saw as the vamps boys came to see our photoshoot, we were outside by a wall and we had to lean against it, Me and Charlotte were in the middle and Samantha and Tia on the ends, "Ladies looking lovely" Brad complimented, "as are you" I replied, "aren't you supposed to be filming" Tia asked, "we're on our break, we're not far from here just in that big fuck off size house at the end of the road" Brad gestured down the road, "Hey Sara just to say after the shoot you can have the rest of the day off, Well Dan said we all get the rest of the day off, I'm going to Pizza Hut if you wanna come with me" Asa smiled at me, "yeah sure I'll come what time abouts" I asked, "well I get off at 3 so around that time" Asa looked at his watch, "ok I'll see you then" I replied, he waved to us all before he left. "Dude what the hell" Brad looked at me, "what" I asked stepping away from him, "he totally just asked you out" Brad told me gesturing to Asa, "no he didn't" I laughed, "yeah he did and you said yes" Brad was stood in shock, "look Brad we're just friends he's being nice" I tried to ease brad's mind, "Sara Brad's right he likes you and has just asked you out" Tristan smiled, "really but I thought he was just being nice" I smiled enjoying the fact a celebrity might like me, "you fucking love this Dont you" Brad was almost yelling, "a bit yeah" I grinned, "WELL STOP LOVING IT" Brad scolded, "sorry, anyways you know I love you and only you but Asa butterfield is so hot I've always loved him he's like my favourite actor, it won't be easy telling him I've got a boyfriend" I told brad still smirking slightly, "okay but just get it done" Brad hugged me before leaving.

At 3 I set off for Pizza Hut. When I arrived Asa was waiting outside and as he saw me he smiled and hurried over to hug me, I don't think I can tell him Brad's my Boyfriend, maybe he knows and is just being friendly, I mean there's even an interview confirming it.

We both sat down and Asa was being a real gentleman, more so than Brad anyway, "I'm not that hungry to be honest, I don't want anything large" Asa looked at me and huffed, "me neither" I huffed back, "do you wanna just get like a tiny pizza between us then" Asa looked at me, "yeah sure you decide I'll eat practically anything" I chuckled, he giggled adorabley in response, "do you want a drink" He asked standing up, "I'll go and get it no need to trouble yourself" I smiled, "I may as well get drinks with the Pizza" Asa looked at me trying to get me to understand the logic, "ok fine, Coke or Pepsi please" I smiled in defeat, "alright I'll be back in a jiffy" he said strutting to the counter and ordering our stuff.

The Pizza came in no time, we started discussing our lives so far, I told him about Justin and he told me about his Ex called Bianca, who sounded rather posh to me, we got on really well, and I completely forgot what I was supposed to tell him.

He walked me back to the band house and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled, "yeah me and the girls will Probs get off early as we promised the guys we'd go out with them" I said as we will be celebrating tomorrow, it was the only time available, "okay so I'll see ya" he said kissing my cheek again, he watched me in the house before he left.

Everyone was sat waiting for me to tell them.

"And" Brad asked, "oh yeah that, he took it really well actually" I lied just remembering what I'd forgotten to do, "ok good so we still going out tomorrow" Brad looked at the others "yaas" Charlotte said excitedly, she loved going out.

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