Weekend at Sara's (Friday Night).....

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"Right we're here" My sister Natalie said looking up at the three story house, "wow its big" Connor looked up, "yeah Sara's parents are pretty rich, they're in Wales for the weekend" James said getting out of the car and pickng up his rucksack, "wait.... how do you know Sara" I asked also grabbing my things and looking up at the house, "Our parents are really good friends, I've known Sar since before I can remember" James smiled as we all walked to the door, "enjoy yourself Bradley remember play safe" Everyone laughed as my sister drove away I stood awkwardly at the door as James knocked.

"Hey boys glad you could make it" Sara smiled allowed us in, she wore simple clothes and a messy bun in her hair, "the girls are just through there lads, I'll bring the drinks in" she smiled pointing ito the living room, the boys walked in and just as I was about to follow them in Sara grabbed me and pinned me against the wall and kissed me, "woah woah woah, what the hell?" I broke off and smiled at her confused, "um... yeah sorry about that, here's the thing, I have a huge crush on you" she smiled awkwardly at me "is that weird?" "no not at all" I smiled at her placing my hands on her arms, "do you think you can forgive me for kissing you" she awkwardly smiled, "yes of course I can because you're my friend and I care about you" I smiled cheekily and hugged her, "you're the best Brad" she said kissing my cheek and smiling, "you go and join the others" she smiled at me quickly pointing into the living room, I smied at her and turned and walked into the living room to join everyone else. What the hell Brad why didn't you tell her how you feel? 

We were all sat in te living room with Pizza and drinks (alcohol), listening to songs fom Sara's phone that was connected to Samantha's bluetooth speaker, every so often getting up and having a mad dance to our favourite songs lie th mad dance we did to Pass me By by R5, "so who wants to play spin the bottle" Sara said taking the last drink out the bottle of wine, "yes" everyone perked up, "okay thn sit in a circle boy girl" Sara smiled, I looed across th roomto see Tia and James secretly holding hands, I looked how everyone was sat James next to Tia, Samantha next to Connor who every time he looked at her he smiled slightly and went a little red, Tristan next to Charlotte they weren't even making eye contact, but I think it was mostly Charlotte not looking at him, I thik she ws a little jealous of Jenna, but they're not going out anymore, well not as far as I know, "so who wants to spin first" Sara asked smiling, "well this is your hoseyou should spin first" I smiled at her looking from the bottle to her, "okay" she smiled back as she spinned it, I looked at Sara as she looked at me we both smiled and watched the bottle intentl as it spun round stopping on.....


I was really hoping it stopped on me I think Sara was with the exprssion on her face when she looked at me, "go on Sara kiss Trissy boy" Connor chanted with the others apart from Charlotte who glared dissaprovingly at the floor, "Kiss, kiss, kiss" everyone joined in with Connor's immature chanting, Tristan gave her that 'may as well look' and smiled, Sara awkwardly leant inward toward his face and they both giggled stupidly, "oh for fucks sake Sara" Tristan said before crashing his lips against Sara's, the kiss began to get heated, "guys stahhp" I said more than likely not meaning to, "why Bradley you jealous" Tristan smiled at me, "er...em no its just it was supposed to be a quick peck first" I ran my fingeralon the carpet awkwardly, "that's what a peck from Tristan goes like" Tristan smiled cheekily, "can we just get on with this please" I begged awkwardly, "why don't we play the truth or dare version of spin the bottle" James laughed slightly, "yeah sure, Tris continue spin dat bottle" Sara smiled looking a little refreshed...


I could see Charlotte smile a little when Tristan said her name, "Charlotte truth or dare" Tristan wiked slightly an smiled at her, "erm... Dare I suppose" Charlotte nervously smiled at him, "kiss me" "what" Charlotte looked at him shocked, "kiss me" Tristan smiled at her, "um..." she sat there nervously going slightly red, "here let me help you" Tristan smiled at her as she looked up, he pressed his lips against hers and me and Brad looked at each other "ooooo" me and Brad smiled immaturely, "get over yourself you two, you both wanna shag off with each other" Tristan said still with his lips pressed against Charlotte's, "who told you that tris" Sara looked at Tristan confused, "no one but Brad's a nervous wreck around you its totally obvious he likes you and Brad don't deny it I saw you kissing in the hallway" Tristan broke from Charlotte and looked at me and Sara in the eyes, "what Brad why didn't you tell me you liked me?" Sara looked at me smiling slightly, "um...er....I....""come with me Brad" Sara ut me off taking my hand and leading me out the room, "remember use protection" Connor yelled as we walked out the room.

Sara led me up the stairs and into a black and white room, "and this is.." I looked at her confused, "my brothers room, its the only one with a lock on it, she said closing the door behind her and locking it.

"Why didn't you tell me you like me?" Sara smiled at me, "I dunno, probably because you're way outta my league and you can do loads better than me" I shrugged, "what you really thought that, no if anything you can do loads better than me" I smiled at him, "no, you're the most beautiful girl in the college, I'm nothing compared to you" I smiled at her as we both moved closer to each other, "that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" she said as our noses pressed against each other, "you deserve it" I said as we both kissed and as the kiss got more heated her hands moved to the back of my head pulling on my hair sligtly, my hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer, who knew this is what my night would lead to. 

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