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Me and Sara came out of the studio holding hands and whispering things in each others ears, "Hey Sara what did I tell you about hanging round with this twat" I heard Justin from behind us, I gulped quietly and Sara looked at me in worry, then we turned to look at the tall dark haired person who glared at us, "yeah and I remember me telling you that you're not in control of me" Sara looked him in the eyes, "yeah and then I remember my toungue being shoved so far down your throat you were choking" Justin smiled, I felt anger grow inside of me, "yeah I bet you can feel that anger growing inside of you can't you Brad go on hit me, I choaked your girlfriend" he whispered down my ear and then stepped back, "whatcha gonna do" he smiled at me thinning his eyes, I looked away from him feeling the anger reach to a certain point, suddenly my fist was colliding into his stomache harder than I have ever punched before, Sara looked at me smiling in shock and then Justin looked up at me grabbed me in his arm and started to choke me, "I should've said, hitting me will be the last thing you do" he growled down my ear as I struggled for breath, "Justin let go of him" Sara snarled grabbing at his arm, he then hit her hard in the head sending her to the floor, there was slight bit of blood from what I could she through my now blurred vision, suddenly I fell next to Sara on the floor, coughing, with my eyes glassy, "get off him" I heard James' voice, I lay on the floor, not enough energy to move, "you wanna fight, you gotta fight" I heard James again.

I woke up in the emergancy room of the college with one person excitedly saying "he's waking up" then someone running out.

"Oh Brad you're okay thank god" Sara rushed in and kissed my forehead,

"I thought I was gonna have to be lead singer again" James smiled.

"Thank you so much James, I owe you so much" I sat up slightly,

"No Brad you owe me nothing."

A week later Justin had been suspended for a month, so things where safe for now, Sara's black eye had finally disappeared and me and the band where going over a new song at James' house, I had promised to spend the weekend with Sara as I hadn't been able to speak with her much as we where busy practicing as she was with Cheeky Mess. Whilst staying at James' last night, James snuck out and didn't come back for an hour, I was the only one who saw him leave so I'll keep it to myself, I decided to consult him this afternoon when Tris' and Connor left to help Charlotte move her stuff out of her parents house as her and the band had been given some money by each of the girls parents to buy a 4 bed house not far from the college.

"James can I ask you something" I asked just as the other boys left, "yeah sure" James smiled, "why did you sneak out last night" I looked at him all serious, "um, well...-" "James you can tell me I won't tell anyone" I smiled, "okay, but don't tell the other boys" he said walking closer to me, "promise" I giggled, "I went to see Tia in the park" James huffed looking away from me, "s-so is there something between you or not" I tried my best to make eye contact, "honestly, I don't know, neither of us have said anything and I'm just worried that if I say something she might think that we've just been meeting as friends" James bit his bottom lip in worry, "look James, I wouldn't lie to you but I don't think you have anything to worry about I think she likes you to, I think your only issue is the fact you're a year older than her and are a second year but that won't matter to her, to be honest to her its probably a better, she'll feel safer with a second year and after your help with the fight I'm sure she finds you sweet and endearing even if she didn't think so before" I smiled, "thanks Brad I just don't want to do anything rash, that's all" James smiled.

"I know take all the time you need. she'll wait for you."

Lovestruck (Bradley Simpson/The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now