The Point is....

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Today we got to listen to the album just before it was released and I was just waiting for someone to come and get me and Connor from the music room, I was strumming my guitar whilst listening to James and Tristan bitch about people, "hey do you wanna just go over that song we've been meaning to go over" James asked, "yeah sure" we all perked up and moved to our places, "we ready" James asked, "ye-" "hi guys you ready" Sara walked in, "we're just gonna go over this song" I smiled, "Ooooooo what is it" she grinned crossing her arms, "What about love by-" "I know who its by" Sara cut in, "well lets get on with it then" Tristan said through his teeth, "One, Two, Three, Four...."

I, I'm feeling your thunder

the storms getting closer

this rain is like fire....

When we finished me and Sara looked at each other, "you knew I was coming didn't you" she looked at me deeply in the eyes, "no not at all" I smiled sarcastically, "well it was amazing and I get what you're saying, I'm sorry" she walked over to me and wrapped he arms loosely around my neck, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me, "and I'm sorry for ignoring you and letting you almost buy Dahvie Vanity posters but the point is... I love you" I smiled and kissed her, "guys, guys getta room will ya'" Tristan complained, "but its okay for you and Charlotte to make out on top of me" I scowled at him, he then looked at his drums as he was going red.

Me, Sara and Connor then went to the media room to hear our album, Charlotte was already there, "what took you so long" Charlotte complained, "they were just practicing a song" Sara told them, "fine, I'll let you off" Charlotte huffed. We all sat on he table in front of the guy named Frank, "so you've got a free CD each here" he said handing us each a CD, which had our first group photo on the front, and as we opened them there was a little booklet and as we opened it the picture of us weeing ourselves laughing was there an we all giggled, on the first page was my page, "do you want me to read each of your pages out" Frank smiled, "yeah" we all smile at him excitedly;

"Bradley Will Simpson, 17, Born in Birmingham, with one sister, is one of the lead singers in the band and is lead singer in another band named the Vamps, Brad came to the college after moving from another college as he was bullied, now in the college he studies music and media, Brad struggles with spelling he says he can't spell at all. Brad ha developed some good friends in the college and has been hanging around with James McVey and Tristan Evans who are second years and are also in their band the Vamps, he also has a range of female friends such as Tia Hewitt and Samantha Wood, who are part o another college band, Cheeky Mess, he seems to be very close with band member Sara Lenehan, is there something there, lets not embarrass him any more"

Sara was going red next to me and I was giggling, and Charlotte and Connor were weeing as we turned the page it was Sara next, "you guys ready" Frank giggled we just nodded;

"Sara Ruby Lenehan, 17, born in Manchester, it on Brother, is the other lead singer in the band and also like Brad is lead singer of the band Cheeky Mess, Sara has been seen to be a hit with the boys too. Sara studies the whole performing arts course and an English course to add. Sara's biggest fault is Maths she says she has always been terrible at it, Sara's main friendship group is the Cheeky Mess girls but she also is good friends with The Vamps boys and has known Guitarist James McVey for 15 years through their parents, Sara is one of the shortest girls in he college at a height of 5ft 1' and said her height is one of her biggest insecurities......"

When he finished he moved onto Connor....

"Connor Samuel John Ball, 17, born in Aberdeen, Scotland, he is the youngest in the year, is bassist in the vamps and has a pet bearded dragon named Rex...."

And Then Charlotte....

"Charlotte Lydia Smith, 17, Born in Manchester, with one brother, she has played drums since she was 11 and is drummer in college girl band Cheeky Mess...."

"So what's you think" Frank asked closing the booklet, "yeah they were great" Sara smiled, "so are you ready for them to be released tomorrow" Frank threw the booklet on the desk, "yeah I'm happy I dunno about these guys" Sara gestured to us, "yeah we're fine" the rest of us nodded, "so that settles it, tomorrow they will be released, congratulations guys its been great working wit you" Frank smiled, "and you" we all replied, "I hope you all go on to become big stars and if so I want an autograph" Frank pointed to us, "yeah sure" we all giggled.

Lovestruck (Bradley Simpson/The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now