Interview with Cheeky Mess...

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A month on and we had done at least 5 covers and written our first single which was to be released on Friday. Today we were going for an interview and everyone was out to look like somebody owned them instead of looking like they'd been dragged through a hedge backwards. The boys wished us luck before we left and Brad said he's happy to tell people that me and him are a couple as Was tristan, the other two still hadn't said anything to Tia and Samantha and were just friends still.

When we arrived there were people outside of the studio, I'm guessing they were fans as they screamed as we arrived, we signed a few things and took a few pictures, surprisingly there were guys in the crowd, there were those who were all sweet and innocent and then those who kept yelling, "I'd bang you like a broken door in a hurricane" me and the girls just laughed especially Charlotte who felt rather flattered by it all. When we were in the studio and sat in front of a guy named Larry and another guy named Daniel, our photographer Sandy started taking pictures.







G- all girls


D: so girls its lovely to have you here

G: yeah its a pleasure

L: so we're just gonna ask you questions that fans have sent in and ask you about your upcoming single which is called Daylight Robbery I believe

G: Yup

L: so did you girls write it yourself or was there help involved

S: well to be honest we did most of it alone but we had a little help when we got stuck

D: well I can't wait to here you guys perform it later

L: I know, so we've got some questions sent from fans here and answer them honestly as we're a nosey bunch

D: the first one is for Samantha its from a chloe morris; 'You seem to be the most tomboy like out of the group so if you could give one of the other girls the label of biggest girly girl who would it be?'

Sam: hmm... For me it would Probs be Tia she's very into her make-up and hair products and seems to wear mainly skirts or dresses, so yea Tia

L: the next one is for Charlotte and Sara its from a Annabell Taylor; 'your band is very close with the band the vamps and I've noticed you two getting rather close with Bradley and Tristan is there something going on there or not?'

C: well I've been told its alright to tell so yeah there is a relationship between me and Tristan but its only been going on for about a month

S: yeah as Charlotte said its just a little thing between me and Brad I mean we have had to work at it but its going great and I can't complain

D: naww, now from Fiona Parker; 'when did each of you have your first kisses and if its not to much to ask what age did you loose your virginities?' and don't worry girls thats a safe question to answer

S: My first kiss was when I was like 5 when we used to play girls kiss boys on the playground and I don't want to be like imprisoned for saying this but I lost my virginity at 15 and not to sound like a sleep arounder but it was to my bestie who yes was a boy and we had a friends with benefits relationship

L: Ooooooo someone was naughty

S: Inno

C: well my first kiss was when I was 11 and I was leaving primary school this boy walked up to me said he liked me and kissed me and I was good and lost mine in my 17th birthday to my current boyfriend of the time

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