Why is it always me???

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If you don't wanna read the sex don't read paragraph 4 the sex is only in paragraph 4 x


I was alone in the band house the others were out shopping, I hated shopping so I stayed home and did some chores.

I heard the front door open so I assumed it was the girls back, "I'm in the kitchen" I called as I put a glass in the cupboard, I turned to walk into the back room to take my shoes off as I was wearing boots which matched my batman skirt and top, When there was a quick pain in my head.

I woke up tied to my bed and gagged, "lock the door" I heard from out of the room and I recognized the voice, as he walked into the room my heart stopped, I released myself from the gag and attempted to get my hands free but I couldn't, "Justin what the fuck are you doing" I panicked, "none of your fucking business" he scolded, "it is my business if I'm tied to my bed cos of you" I demanded an answer, "fine, I'm here to fuck you, so hard you fucking bleed, you fucked with my mind so I'm gonna fuck with your life, you're a bitch and deserve nothing, if Brad knew what you are really like he'd be gone in a second" Justin looked like he was about to cry, "I didn't realize you felt so strongly about this, but I left you and I'm happy now, I've got a great job that you can't do anything about" I looked at him sternly, "I wouldn't be so sure, what are your views on unprotected sex" he smirked evilly, I gulped as he walked closer to me, "Justin don't" I panicked.

He just ignored me and climbed over me, "Justin stop please" I begged just before he crashed his lips onto mine, I tried to struggle and get away but he held me down, he lifted up my skirt and put his hand underneath my panties and began rubbing my clit quickly, unwanted moans escaping my mouth, "yeah you love that" Justin snarled, I just looked at him helplessly, I felt weak and helpless, I couldn't do anything, I just let a tear rolled down my cheek, as he then pushed two fingers inside, and quickly moved them at a pace I was uncomfortable with, "stop Justin please you're hurting me" I moaned, he carried on. He removed his fingers when i was in tears from the pain, he then undid the belt on his pants and took them off, I tried to scream but he just put his hand over my mouth but it also covered my nose so i couldn't breath, "shut up" he growled pushing himself fully into me, I felt tears rush back as he slammed into me, I cried more in pain, "please....stop" I said through the tears, but he continued gripping my hips and digging his nails into my sides, "oww Justin pleeeaaase" I begged tears falling rapidly, "oh my god.... Shut up" he said sounding very much in pleasure, "stop please" I begged more Justin got annoyed, and kissed Me but he bit Down on my lip hard causing it to bleed,  "fuck...fuck" Justin said as he got harder and faster, before letting go, I felt as his cum filled me, and he pulled out, "I think I'm done" he smirked, he pulled my panties back up and kissed my stomach before he zipped up his pants and left the room.

"Let me out" I yelled, "no thanks" he yelled back, I heard the door close and then there was dead silence, I just lay there tired and crying, my lip was bleeding and I was sore, I just wished for it to be a nightmare but I knew it wasn't.

All I could do was wait.

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