Don't Leave Me Again....

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I brought Sara home, to the band house, she was shook up and ran her fingers over her small bump, we didn't speak, but for me just seeing her again made me feel happy, like that something that was missing is back, Sara then stood up and walked into the bathroom.

After 5 minutes she still hadn't come out so I walked over and knocked on the door, "Sara are you okay" I waited a moment before opening the door seeing her crying sat on the toilet with the lid down, she had got changed into some of Tia's clothes "hey Sara whats up" I knelt beside her, "My whole life is a disaster, I don't want this anymore, I'm fed up, and I don't know who the father of my baby is" she sobbed, "here stand up and look at me" I said gently holding her hand and helping her up, "Your life isn't a disaster, you have lots of people who love you all your fans support you through everything, I understand you're fed up, and I hope for our sake that the baby is mine and not Justin's, but we won't know until the birth, Sara when you left it was the hardest few months of my life, I just ask one thing of you" I said holding her close to me, "anything Brad" She sniffed looking at me, "Don't leave me again, I love you to much to let you go again, you mean more than the world to me and I will love you all the same whether the baby is mine or Justin's because I love you and I will do anything to be with you" I felt tears start to leak from my eyes, "Brad I can't think about my life without you, you are the only thing I thought about in those months, I love you to" She said nuzzling her nose against mine, and as our lips brushed together, she kissed me placing her hands on the back of my neck, it was a gentle kiss one that you would see in movies with the song 'in your arms by stanfour' as the background track, my arms wrapped around her, and as our lips parted I kissed her nose and it was a movie moment, the love in the kiss was what anyone wants, it was perfect, no roughness involved, I kissed her cheek and then her neck back up to her lips as we both had tears that stained our cheeks, to be back here with her was like a dream, a dream come true.

5 minutes later we where still stood in the same spot just hugging, I nuzzled my head into her neck and kissed her shoulder, she was messing with the hair at the back of my head, I then adjusted my head so I was looking down at her, "is it really mine? or did you just tell Justin that it was" I said placing my hands in her curves and stroking her small bump with my thumbs, "erm... I just said that.... sorry, I didn't mean to" Sara said stroking the hair at the back of my head, "no... it's fine... as long as your both safe I'm happy" I looked into her eyes ans smiled, "but your not though are you" Sara broke a smile, I just looked down at her again, "I know I'm the same, your worrying about James, I am too" a tear ran down her cheek, I just nodded, "come on, lets try and take our minds off it" Sara held my hand and led me to the living room, "how bout Star Wars" Sara smiled, "yeah sure" I said about to crouch down to the DVD player, "no, no, no I'll do it" Sara said knealing down and sorting out the DVD player, then she went to stand up but struggled a little so she looked up at me, "I should've done it" I giggled helping her up, "ahh" Sara said holding her stomach, "what is it" I looked at her worried, "I've got cramps" Sara squinted her eyes painfully, "come on lets sit down" I said putting my arm around her waist and helped her to the sofa, also helping her sit down, "that better" I said sitting next to her gently, "a little" she smiled at me, still looking slightly uncomfortable.

By the end of the film Sara had fallen asleep on my shoulder and was quietly snoring, I looked down at her and smiled a little, I moved away from her to stand up, and she moved and made a weird noise, "shh, shh" I said hovering my finger over my lips, she then moaned a little, "really Sara" I tilted my head and giggled as I turned and walked away, "oh Brad" I heard from behind me, it was Sara moaning in her sleep, I smiled stupidly, "nice to know I'm on her mind" I smiled like a cheshire cat, I kept hearing moans, they got louder and more rapid as I walked away, "ahh Sara don't orgasm" I yelled as I ran back towards her, she then went silent, "wow it worked" I said to myself, before going to the toilet.

When I got back Sara was awake and looking confused, "nice dream" I smirked, "umm....yeah why?" Sara looked at me confused, "I heard one reaching one's extreame" I had my hands in my pockets and I was grinning smugly, "oh my god you heard" Sara looked a little embarrassed, "oh Brad" I mocked her sleeping ways, "ooooh fuuck" Sara put her hands over her face, "oh don't worry I've heard it all before aha" I laughed, "sooo was I good in dream land too" I swayed my hips from side to side pathetically, Sara just smiled at me, "your good in all my lands" Sara bit her lip as she stood up and pulled me close to her, putting her hands at the bottom of my back, she had me so my crotch was up against hers, "oooh niice" I grinned, "yeah, can we go to bed now" Sara pecked my lips, "yeah sure" I pecked her lips back, as we walked upstairs hand in hand to the bedroom.

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