Our Careers Now....

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Me and the girls where in our new house, and were each getting ready to go to the cinema with the boys, I dfidn't even know what we where going to watch as the guys were choosing the film. "Sara bae have you see my curling toungues" Charlotte called from upstairs I could hear her rumaging around her wardrobe, "aren't they in the bathroom, in one of the draws" I looked up at the celling as I spoke to her from downstairs, "oh found them" she called about 30 seconds later and I smiled as I grabbed a packet of ready salted french fries from the cupboard, "erm.. I don't think so missy, we've got to go to McDonald's after and if you're to become a famous superstar then you need to cut down on the snacks" Tia said snaching them off me and throwing them back in the cupboard, "b-but I love food" I looked at her in shock, "well you're gonna have to love it less or you'll be a fat star" Tia closed the cupboard door and pushed me out of the kitchen, "I don't care" I huffed, "well I do, and I'm sure Brad does" Tia pushed me back onto the sofa and walked away to go and get her shoes.

She came back with a pair of what me and the other two girls call her 'caribbean shoes' "you're not wearing them are you" I questioned, "yeah why not" she looked at the shoes and then back at me, "oh lord, why are you wearing your caribbean shoes" Samantha said walking up behind her, "they are not caribbean shoes I think they're nice" Tia said sitting down and beginging to put them on, "yeah Sara likes a certain person from this years x facor but it doesn't make him nice" Samantha pointed out, "hey Josh Cuthbert is beautiful and you know it" I pointed to her in protest, "matter of opinion" Samantha huffed, "Samantha what you sassing about" Charlotte huffed walking into the room, "nothing" Samantha flopped onto the sofa. Then there was a knock on the door, "that'll be James" Charlotte said about to walk off, "Noooo I'll get it" Tia said tottering off in her 'Caribbean heals'.

"Stop canoodoling" Samantha yelled eating a dorito, "they're not hurry up guys" Brad called for us, "Braaaaad" I said running over and hugging him like a child, "Saraaa" He mocked me, I kissed the tip of his nose and smiled, "lets go guys we'll miss the movie" Tristan walked in but as he spotted Charlotte he walked over and started nuzzling with her and kissing, "you were saying Tristan" Samantha looked at him in disapproval, "Okays then" Tristan smiled at charlotte and pulled her out.


When we arrived at the cinema we all went to the counter to get our tickets and food, "here I'll get that" I pushed next to Sara as she went to hand the man her money, Sara smiled at me slightly as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me, "thanks" Sara said taking her ticket and caramel nibbles, "we're in screen 3, we'd better get in I starts soon" James said looking at us all. We made our way into screen 3 and sat down, me and Sara where sat on the second to top row in front of Tristan and Charlotte, then Connor, Samantha, James and Tia where sat further down, I think they wanted to be together, as I think they were in similar situations, I think they both had their issues, Connor was very shy whereas Samantha was more bubbly and spoke up a lot more, Connor thought they were just keeping it as a friendship and not taking it any further.

Half way into the film Sara tapped me and told me to look at Tia and James, I looked down to see James feeding her bitsa wispa chocolates, I looked at Sara who was smiling, I just smiled at her when she looked at me, I went to turn and tap charlotte when I saw her and Tristan had moved to the end of the row and where in the corner making out, "oh for shits sake" Sara facepalmed, I just giggled, "all the bloody time" she looked at me and took a sip of her Pepsi, "hey they love each other" I smiled at her, "yeah but public desplays of affection are not neccisary" Sara complained.

After the movie we went to McDonalds, we all sat at a table and talked about our new careers, "can I just say that your manager is hot" Samantha looked at us boys, I saw Connor weakly smile and look down at the table, "not really" I butted in, "are you kidding Brad he's gorgeous" Tristan slammed his coke on the table and looked at me, "see a man with taste" Sara laughed, "yeah well... our careers now.... are just brilliant right" I smiled awkwardly, "yes Brad they are brilliant" Sara teased sipping her drink and licking the straw teasingly, "stop it bitch" I kicked her under the table and whispered, "why don't you like my straw licking" Sara said aloud and everyone looked at us, "fuck you" I snarled quietly, Sara just giggled immaturely, "erm... Guys what the fudge is going on" Tia asked looking down the table at us, "nothing" I tilted my head at Sara as I spoke through my teeth as politely as I could, Sara was laughing silently, "So I was saying we're all doing pretty well careers wise now, I mean our careers now.... Are.... Amazing I don't think we'll ev-" Sara kicked me under the table, "stop with the Our Careers now thing" Sara smiled, "sorry maaam" I joked, "okay I need to pee let me out" Charlotte looked at Sara who was sat at the end, "okay but only if you stop constantly doing PDA's" Sara pointed at her, "what are PDA'S" Tia asked, "Public displays of affection" Samantha told Tia in a very adult way, "me stop doing PDA'S, you left the curtain open when you were shagging brad the other night, me and Tristan walked past and saw you going at it on the sofa" Charlotte basically announced to the whole of Maccies, "Ooooooo" the others all smiled, I felt my cheeks heating up, "fuck" Sara looked down at the table going red, "you didn't see-" "yeah we did" Tristan butted in, "oh gawwd" Sara hid her head in her arms as I was looking away from everyone smirking slightly, I was bright red, "don't worry, you have nothing to worry about, either of you" Tristan added, "Dafuq Tris" Samantha looked at him confused, "yeah but that doesn't mean you shag in full view of buttocks" Tristan said in the most casual manner and Charlotte burst out laughing joined by everyone but me and Sara, "Saaaara let meee ooout imma gonna weeeee" Charlotte jumped up and down in her seat before being let out, "Brad do you wanna go" Sara whispered to me whilst everyone was laughing, "yeah" we both got up and just before we got to the door we heard Tristan say, "remember close the curtains" then everyone burst out laughing again, me and Sara just walked out and got a taxi back to their band house.

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