Phone call...

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Guys there's sex in this chapter so if you don't want to read it don't read the last chapter x

Me and Sara where sat in her house watching Lord of the Rings when my phone buzzed in my pocket,

J- James


J: Hiya Brad I have news

B: why whats up?

J: Lawsons manager put us through to a guy called Joe who wants to take us on as a band

B: Really well that's great

J: yeah we need to meet with him tomorrow in Starbucks

B: well I'll be there

J: great also tell Sara to ring Charlotte they've apparently got some pretty exciting news to

B: I will thanks

J: see you soon

B: yeah see you soon

J: Bye

B: Bye

With that I hung up with a huge smile on my face, "whats up" Sara asked, "A guy called Joe from a record label wants to sign The Vamps up" I grinned, "thats great congratulations" Sara smiled hugging me, "also you need to ring Charlotte" I told her without the smile, "Okies i will" Sara smiled, "no ring her now" I said sternly, "okay okay I will" Sara giggled pulling her phone out of her pocket;



S: Hey Charl Brad asked me to ring you

C: yeah I've got news

S: ooo what is it?

C: Well a girl from a record label that I can't remember the name of phoned and said that they love our act and want to sign us to their label I said we'd meet her in the little coffee shop just down the road from Starbucks tomorrow about lunch time

S: Yeah that's Great I'll meet you there

C: Okies bae I'll see you then hope you and Brad are having fun remember kids use protection

S: haha shut up Charlotte

C: aha okay I'll see you soon

S: Okay bye

C: Bye

I smiled at Sara as I'd heard the whole conversation, "what" she chuckled, "remember kids use protection" I giggled, "oh days I know gawwd dammit Charl" she smiled not looking at me, "do you think we'll do it though" I shrugged, "we already did" Sara looked at me confused, "yeah but again" I looked down, "I hope so you're like the best I've had" She smiled standing up and walking to the kitchen, "well that feelings mutual" I giggled and stood up after her, I lent against the door frame and smiled at her as she grabbed two bottles of beer out of the fridge and walked towards me holding one out and giving it to me, "we'll probably be doing it soon anyway, that's what happens with me, well seen as we're alone, I'm not saying I'm a slut or anything its just what happens" Sara said taking the bottle top of her beer and taking a drink, "well that's news to my ears" I gigged, "ha I bet it is" she said kissing my cheek as she walked past.

She was right, half an hour later we were stripping each other of our clothes and our lips only broke away for a split second, my hands rested on her hips as she pulled me down on top of her, "w-wait, we need to head Charlotte's advice go get the Johnny from upstairs in my top draw of my bedside table" Sara stopped us, "why do I have to get it" I huffed, "well I'm not wearing it and quite frankly unless you want to impregnate me, you're getting it" she raised her eyebrows and folded her arms across her chest, "I'll get it then" I said getting up off her and walking upstairs, getting what I needed and walking back downstairs, "got it" I said throwing it at her and she caught it,"why you giving it to me, I'm not wearing it" Sara said throwing it back, "gawwd woman" I said walking out of the room to put it on.

"Finally" Sara giggled, "shut up" I said sitting on the sofa. She then began to kiss me again as she straddled over me, soon lowering herself down and moving herself at the pace she wanted. Moans escaped each of our mouths, then Sara's phone lit up and began vibrating on the arm of the sofa, she picked it up and looked at it, "fucking hell" she continued to move up and down, "who is it" I asked, "my brother" she answered the phone, "what! I don't want to talk to you right now. Mind your own fucking business. fine, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." she hung up, I only heard her speaking, when she hung u she threw her phone to the other sofa and went back to kissing me, but moving the pace faster now, "" I said in between Sara's lips breaking away from me, "I know right" Sara smiled against my lips, "you are freaking a-mazing" I smiled back, "yeah, I get that a lot" she ran her hand through my hair and pulled my head back, "for the record you're freaking a-mazing too" she almost mocked me in a nice way, "good, I like to be complemented" I grinned, "ha good, I can do that" she said bringing her face down to mine and kissed me smiling.

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