Better than words...

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, Brad moaned as he roled over, I picked it up and saw it was Charlotte so I answered it.....

Charlotte- Bold

Hey Sara 

Yeah what wrong

get your ass to the hospital now 

Why whats wrong

No time to explain just get here

alright coming

With that I hung up and rushed about looking for some clothes, I just grabbed another set of Tia's clothes and changed into them quickly, "Brad hurry up" I said looking at Brad slothly putting his pants on, "Yeah, yeah I am" Brad yawned.

We both rushed out of the house and jumped into Charlotte's car, "maybe I should drive" Brad said as I started up, "too late" I said speeding off, "Sara your gonna kill us" Brad squealed, "ahh well" I giggled, "how did they let you pass your test" Brad settled a little, "I'm not that dangerous" I smiled, "you really think so."

When we arrived at the hospital I ran to the door, being greeted by Charlotte, "is he okay" I rushed, "come with me" Charlotte said almost crying, "Charl he's ok right" I said as we reached his room, " was nothing they could do....he's in there though" Charlotte pointed, I let tears fall as did Brad who was stood next to me, I ran into his room to see nothing but an empty bed, "Charlotte he's not-" "in the bed" I heard a male voice from behind me, "james your okay" I said hugging him as I turned around relieved, he hugged me as best he could as he had a white sling on, "yeah I'm fine" James smiled, "thank god your okay" Brad huffed in relief, "Charlotte you arse hole" I looked at her smiling slightly, "hey this was his idea" Charlotte pointed to James, "oh Jems, Jems your okay we practically ran here" Tristan rushed in and hugged James, "wow Tris you ran" James laughed, then Tia, Samantha and Connor walked in out of breath. James and Tia looked at each other and smiled, James walked over to her and looked her in the eyes before bending down a little and immediatly kissing her, "ooooh wit woo" Tristan smiled as he started to clap, "just need Sam and Con to do somet now" Tristan added, "um.. Tris didn't you hear" Charlotte smiled, "what" Tristan looked confused, "Connor took Samantha's 'V'" I giggled, "WHAT!? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME" Tristan looked at them shocked, "Tristan you were in the house when they did it" Brad looked at him, "well I didn't know" Tristan looked sad for knowing last, "aww Tris its ok" Charlotte smiled, "speaking of which where are Con and Sam" James included himself in the conversation "they where here a minute ago" Charlotte looked about "guys are we really going to discuss what they're doing" Brad spoke up "yeah the toilets are just down the hallway" I giggled, "they wouldn't, not in a hospital" Tristan looked at us in disgusted, "they would, they've probably only gone for a quicky, they'll come back saying they've gone to the toilet" Brad smiled, confident he was correct.

About two minutes later Connor and Samantha arrived back, we all looked at them smiling, "guys why are you looking at us like that" Samantha looked at us confused, "yeah we only went to the toilet" "I TOLD YOU" Brad smiled pointing at them, "what" Connor looked confused, "you just had sex in the toilets didn't you" I smiled, Connor went bright red and silent, "in a hospital, guys really" Tristan was still disgusted by this, "Tristan you shagged Charlotte in the back of Sara's Nan's car, remember" Samantha looked at Tristan and Charlotte who looked at each oher and smiled, "Guys my Nan drives that car and I sit in the back like all the time" I almost yelled, "sorry" Tristan and Charlotte said with their heads down, "yeah you will be, if I find out there was one drop of excrement on them seats you'll pay" I snarled, but everyone just laughed instead.


Eventually we all went home, Elijah had gone to Manchester for Sara's stuff as he didn't want to risk sara getting hurt. "Sara, I need to go, us boys are having a talk from Joe telling us when we can rescedual the tour dates and the filming for Wildheart" I said leaving Sara with the girls, "okay I'll see you later" she called back.

When I got back to the Cheeky Mess band house it was 9 O'clock and the girls where sat watching a movie all but Sara, "where is she?" I whispered, "upstairs she's in bed, she fell asleep like an hour ago" Tia explained, "oh right I'll just go up" I replied, "no she told us to say that you can go home and get a good nights rest, she says you need it, she appreciates what you've been doing for her and says you deserve to sleep well" Samantha stopped me, "oh okay...sooo...I'll go home, see you girls later" I smiled waving them goodbye, "see you later" they all responded in unison.

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