I Can't Cope....

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-1 month later-


           The  press, Twitter, The haters and the Fans were all getting to much for Sara, people kept turning up at the door and asking her questions.  She didn't feel safe anymore. Not here in London anyways.

Me and Sara were sat in the cheeky mess band house having  lunch,  Sara sat twirling her food around the fork, as she sqt silentoy, looking away in what looked like deep thought. "You ok" I asked swallowing my food, and attempting to make eye contact, "mm....y-yeah fine",  she broke a small smile. Then there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it" I said getting out of my seat and walking to the door.

When I opened it stood there was a guy with a pen and a notepad, "could I speak with Miss Lenehan please" he asked, "I'm here" Sara peeped her head from around me and raised her hand slightly, "well, I'm just here to ask some questions about the band and er.... your current state" The man smiled slightly but there was also a small giggle added, "um...well" "No you can't mind your own business" I cut Sara and slammed the door in the mans face, Sara had turned around by this point and was crying, she wiped away her tears with the sleeves of her jumper, "Sara I'm sorry about tha-" "No don't" she cried running up the stairs, "Sara" I called after her, but she just ignored me.

Half an hour later I decided it was safe to go up, I walked in and she was hugging a cushion and weeping in the corner, "Sara" I whispered,  "go away" she demanded as she cried into the pillow, "you can't stay up here forever" I sighed, she just ignored me, "Sara you need to get over your issues and face the truth, I can help you bu-" "I'm leaving" she cut in, "what" I asked thinking about what she had just said, thinking I'd misheard, "I'm leaving" she said standing up and dropping the cushion next to her, Make up had stained her cheeks but she still looked perfect to me, "no your not" I said hoping it was a joke, "I am, I'm going on Sunday" she nodded her head at me, "where you gonna go" I said feeling tears rush to my eyes, "I'm staying with my step cousin beth and her boyfriend ash, they've got a huge place and they've just had a kid so I could use the practice, and they need the help as they both work full time" a tear rolled down her cheek but she just huffed and smiled, "no, no, w-where do they live? I'll still see you right" my vision blurred as tears began to fall, "they live in Manchester, in the northwest,  it's a good 4 to 6 hour drive" she shrugged,  "s-so what does this mean for us" I asked brutally wiping the tears from my cheeks, "I....I think this is it for us Brad.... I'm sorry" she let tears fall, as did I, "no, I don't want you to leave me or this place, why do you have to go?" I questioned, "I don't feel safe, with people asking me things about the pregnancy and I've not even began to show, unless they've seen the morning vomiting, so basically, quite frankly" she paused wiping the tears away, "I can't cope" she didn't release a tear she just glared at me but not in a mean way, "but, I don't want you to go" I said stepping closer to her, "well, I am, I'm sorry" she took a step away from me, "when, will I next see you after Sunday I mean" I said as she went to leave the room, "I dunno, but I'm done, I'm leaving the band, those three will do better on their own" Sara looked away from me, "how do you know that" I questioned, "I don't" she said walking out of the room, leaving me stood there.



It came to Sunday, and we where all stood outside the band house, the whole of the Vamps and the 3 Cheeky Mess girls, the girls were crying but worst was Charlotte,  she'd known Sara the longest. Connor was crying because he"s a sensitive little flower,  I was crying and James was teary, and Tristan was comforting me and Charlotte. 


            I walked out of the house with me stuff, just as Beth pulled up, she had brought Ash with her and it looked as though baby was in the back, I dropped my stuff as I ran over to hug the girls, "I'm gonna miss you" Charlotte cried on my shoulder,  "I'll miss you too" I hugged her tighter,  then James walked over and I hugged him, "take care of yourself" he whispered in my ear, "I will" "you will keep in touch" james asked still hugging me, "yeah, you'll need to keep me updated on how the bro is doing" I smiled,  "don't worry I will" James pulled away from me and kissed me on the cheek. I then spoke to Connor and Tris to give them something,  then I walked past Brad and looked at him, I just broke a slight smile to him, "bye then" I shrugged walking off, "bye" I heard him quietly say to himself and that's when the waterworks came, so I just hurried to the car, and threw my stuff in the boot, "you ready Beth asked as I put my seatbelt on, I just nodded slightly.


            I looked away as she climbed into the car, I heard the car start up, and then more tears came, then I heard the car door open so I turned and saw Sara running toward me, "I love you Brad" she said as we both collided into a hug, "I love you too Sara" I said back as we both wept in each others arms, we then both just looked into each others eyes as our noses nuzzled together,  "I'm gonna miss you" I said rubbing my nose gently against hers, "I'm gonna miss you too" she returned the nuzzle, before we kissed but only little quick ones which only touched her top lip, "I've gotta go" Sara whispered,  "okay" I nodded slightly, "bye" she said letting go of my hand and waving to me just before she got in the car, I waved back and watched as the car drove off.

"She told me to give you this" Tristan said giving me a photo album. When I opened it there were pictures of me and her and some of the whole group together, "you ok" Tristan asked as I was flicking through the pages, "no" I looked up at him as I closed the book, I just walked into the house following the girls,  I was followed by Connor, James and Tristan, it already felt empty without her.

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