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The whole college was sat in a huge room, I hadn't seen something quite like a room this size, there was a staging area then seats almost all the way around it, but instead of the seats meeting there was a gap which people going onto the stage would go through, I sat next to Sara and Connor with Charlotte sat next to Sara, James and Tristan where sat a row in front of us and Tristan was with the girl he left with the other day, she was in our music lesson she was called Jenna, by the looks of things they were something of an item, I then looked across at Charlotte who was glaring disapprovingly at the couple, "Charlotte" I said as she quickly turned her head and smiled at me, "you ok Charlotte" I smiled at her, "yeah fine why wouldn't I be" she forced a smile, "okay good" I smiled at her, "hey Brad good luck with the cover thing, I hope you win" James smiled, "excuse me he wasn't the only one in the group" Sara sat forward in her seat, "yeah I wish you luck too" James smiled at her.

"Um... James what about my group" Jenna said with an innocent tone, "yeah I wish you both luck" James smiled awkwardly, "but James you can't want both groups to win so who do you want to win the most" James was starting to get awkward and he didn't want to answer but Tris was just sitting there, "hey Jenna he doesn't want to answer you" Sara cut in looking at her sternly, "hey Sara I don't give a shit he shouldn't be rude and just say one of us" she replied, "well he was obviously going to say us but he didn't because he doesn't want to get into an argument with Tris over you" Sara was starting to get pissed off with her, "why would he" she looked at Sara confused, "because you're shagging Tris and Tris would obviously take your side cos you'd kill him if he didn't" Sara's voice was slightly raised and the people around were staring, "you bitch, how dare you talk to me like that" she gritted her teeth at Sara who just smirked, "well I did, you wanna get into a fight about it I'll wait outside for you if that's what you want" Sara smiled slightly,"Tris are you gonna let her talk to me like this" Jenna asked looking at Tristan, "well he doesn't have a choice learn to fight your own battles instead of bringing Tris into this, I'm friends with him not with you get over it" Sara sat back in her chair and crossed her arms, "oh go find Justin" Jenna said turning round to face the front Sara's face turned from a light smile to complete anger, then she put her arm around Jenna's neck, "don't you fucking dare bitch, I'll smash your fucking head in" Sara said with her teeth gripped together, then letting go of her, "you're a crazy bitch you know that" she said standing up and walking away "Tristan are you coming or what" she yelled to him, """oh fine you stay there with that bitch then I don't need you" Jenna then walked off to a different row, "um... sorry Tris" Sara apologized to him feeling guilty, "no its fine really you're a better friend than she was to me" Tristan smiled putting his hand on Sara's shoulder, "so you're still coming to mine right this weekend" Sara smiled, "yeah wouldn't miss it for the world" Tristan smiled.

Finally the assembly was under way, people were getting awards, Sara had already gotten an award for Solo singing and acting, "congratulations" I whispered to her, she then thanked me and smiled at me, "and the award for the best boy band cover goes to the Vamps with just give me a reason by pink" I looked at James Tristan and Connor and we all smiled at each other, "come on down boys" the man said as we stood up "this band consists of the eldest and guitarist James McVey, Drummer Tristan Evans, Bassist Connor ball and the newest member to the band and college Bradley or Brad Simpson who plays a variety of instruments and is the bands new lead singer" The man said as we all walked to the front and collected our little trophies which were decorated with four little people, we all shook the mans hand but just before we could walk away he stopped us, "wait.. the instruments aren't just out here for the winner of the band covers, please boys if Brad you don't mind swapping instruments" "no i can play it on guitar" I smiled at him, "great, everyone it is a pleasure for me to introduce the Vamps singing just give me a reason originally by Pink" the man said as we all prepared, I looked up at Sara who smiled at me and I smiled back.

After our performance everyone cheered this made me realize this is were I want to be, I had been looking at Sara the whole time, I was singing to her, I love her.

"Thank you boys that was amazing".

I sat down and Sara smiled at me, "that was amazing again" she grinned, "Its were I wanna be".

There were a couple more awards and then it came to the one everyone had been waiting for,

"This Is the one you've all been waiting for, the winner of the band covers, 5 groups of four and there can only be one winner, the winner will be creating there own mini album which will be sold in each canteen each shop in the college and can also be purchased from the reception there will be a photo shoot for the cover on Monday and the album will be released next Friday in assembly, it is the first time we've ever done this so who ever wins this first will mark the colleges history forever" the man finished, "hey no matter what happens I still think you're amazing" Sara whispered in my ear, "hey Simpson" a male voice from behind me called, "yeah" I turned around to see a dark haired blue eyed man with bushy eyebrows, "keep your hands off my bitch" he smirked, "piss off Justin I'm not your bitch anymore I never was" Sara glared at him, "you weren't saying that when my dick was pushed full on into you" he laughed with his friends, "yeah I couldn't could I, I was bored from how slow and small you were" Sara made me giggle slightly, "shut up Simpson, So Sara when you next have a free house you and I could get together again" Justin smiled at her, "no.. actually I cant I'm taken" she smiled nervously at him, "really by who" I clenched his fist then Sara looked at me, "Brad actually" Sara said holding my hand, I felt my cheeks heat up and my palms go a little sweaty, "the winner is Cheeky Vamps" the man announced, "if you're wondering why they're called that, its a mixture of the band names as half of Cheeky mess are part of the band and half of the Vamps are the other half of the band, so Cheeky Vamps come on down" the man announced, Sara smiled but huffed out relieved.

When we got in front of the audience everyone cheered, then from the crowd we heard, "I Love you Connor" causing us all to giggle and Connor stick his thumbs up to the audience and everyone laughed, "well done guys here are your awards and now I'm very lucky to introduce for the very first time, Cheeky Vamps singing Trouble originally by Taylor Swift" the man said as we all took our positions I smiled at Sara who smiled at me then she mouthed something to me but I didn't quite make it out. We then began.

At the end of the song I huffed in relief and me and Sara hugged, "Ooooooo Sluts moved on now" I heard Justin yell from his seat, everyone laughed but Tristan stood up and looked him in the eye, "Don't talk to her like that" Tristan yelled quietly at him, "and who will stop me" Justin replied, "maybe them eyebrows will" Tristan giggled making everyone else laugh, "boys calm down and sit" the man yelled up, Tristan sat down and Justin shut up.

"Now a round of applause for Cheeky Vamps" The man announced happily clapping which everyone else then joined in with. So that's that we were going to have a mini album by next Friday, time to pre-order it.

Lovestruck (Bradley Simpson/The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now