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Well, it was back to college and we went straight to our rooms to grab our things for the photo-shoot, I just grabbed my black shirt and black pants, then made my way to the photography where Sara and Charlotte were already waiting for me and Connor.

"So guys we'll be having Individual photo's and group photo's as we'll be having a little book that has a litte bit about each of you in it" The Blonde haired man otherwise known as Jaymi announced to us.

"So who wants to go first or shall we do the group photo first" Jaymi asked pointing to us, we all looked at each other blankly, "we'll do the group photo first" I spoke up as no one else was talking, "thanks Brad" Sara huffed happily, "okay then right this way" Jaymi smiled at us and walked towards a big white screen next o a black one, with all the camera equipment already set up, "so guys just do as I say and we'll be fab" by this point I was positive Jaymi was gay, "so gorgeous I want you to stand right here" Jaymi said pointing to Sara and telling her where to stand, "and you young man stand next to her with your arm around her waist" Jaymi grabbed my wrist and put me next to her, I could hear Connor and Charlotte weeing themselves behind me, and Sara smiling cheekily, but I did as was told of me, "now you little missy before you wet your self stand here with your arm rested on his shoulder" Jaymi then brought Charlotte forward to stand next to me, Connor was now laughing even harder as Charlotte's face dropped, and did as she was told, "now sir laugh a lot, you do the same as your other laughing friend but on her shoulder" Jaymi pointed to Connor and hen to Sara, "alrighty then" Connor said skipping to Sara and doing the same as Charlotte, "now gorgeous put your arm around the young man who is stood next to you" Jaymi pointed to Sara and then me, we obviously all had little pet names now. "Right perfect, you two in the middle turn your heads to look at each other" Jaymi said adjusting the camera, "that's great, now the two on the end you need to look at the back of the person next to you's head" Jaymi obviously had sorted this out very well, "now in the middle give each other you know confused looks as you two on the end be pulling silly faces to them" Jaymi said coming closer to us, We did as was asked of us and we all just wanted to burst out laughing, "don't laugh I can see your all about to burst but don't" Jaymi giggled as he walked to the camera, "now on the count of three I'll take the picture" Jaymi announced, "so we ready... one.... Two... three" and on that he took the picture and then we all burst out laughing, then Jaymi took another picture of us laughing, Sara was on the floor, Connor was pointing at me laughing, and Charlotte was partly bent over, she was practically in tears.

Then we had our individual photo's taken, One of us smiling nicely and then one of us with straight faces, "do you wanna see your pics guys" Jaymi announced sat at his laptop, "yeah" we all said as we ran to the laptop, "I'm just gonna go and tell Olly that we're done, Just flick across" Jaymi said walking out, Sara sat down as the rest of us stood, "ooh I like our group photo even though we look like we're gonna we" Sara pointed to the screen, "ahahaha we're all weeing ourselves" Sara pointed to the screen, "wow Charlotte you're actually crying" Connor pointed to Charlotte on the photo.

We then started to look through the individual photos they weren't in full colour like the Group photo's, First was Sara's:

"Wit, woo, Sara you little minx" Connor said with the added cat scratch hand movement

"yeah Sara I'm jealous" Charlotte smiled,

"No your not" Sara turned to look at Charlotte,

"No I always look really good on the college camera" Charlotte boasted

"well, its safe to say so does Sara dayum giirll" I smiled at her,

"okay, okay who's next" Sara said flicking across, I was next:

"Bradley will Simpson that is na-na-niiicccee" Sara smiled at me, when her phone vibrated on her lap and she picked it up and unlocked it, Charlotte and Connor were still commenting on my photo's all I saw on Sara's phone was the name Justin and,

I'll meet you in the corridor

"Guys tell Jaymi I've gone to the toilet"

Then Sara left the room, Charlotte then took the chair and flicked across to her photo's, "yeah guys, I'm gonna go to the toilet too" I said looking at the door and then at Con and Charlotte, "okay see you in a bit" Connor said his eyes still fixed on the screen.

I waited behind the wall a moment before stepping out and seeing Sara with her back pressed against the wall and her hands on Justin's chest as he roughly snogged her more like ate her face off, I felt the tears rush to my eyes I looked at the pair and then at the classroom door, I raced back into the photo room and hurried past Charlotte and Connor, "wow, Brad that was quick" I shook my head at Connor, "n-no the toilets where locked" I said forcing a smile to him, I then quickly turned around facing the white screen and brushed my hand through my hair, How could she do this, I thought she liked me.

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