E didn't show up yesterday. The girls and I still had fun but it was sad she couldn't make it.
The Sumer festival is today so hopefully we can talk then. It's quite an event. Everyone goes to a huge park in the middle of town and there's a giant arena. Apparently they hold a gladiatorial like fighting event. It's basically a "punch the shit outta each other" deal. I don't know if I'll sigh up on a count of the demon thing but apparently it a huge event. Goliath runs the whole thing.
It's the only day out of the year where everything is blue. The sky becomes 'normal', it turns blue like on earth. I haven't seen a blue sky in so long. It's always red when your dead.
I dressed super casual today. Everyone has it off work, even God takes the day off. The cafe is closed today and a bunch of people are meeting at the afterlife building before heading over. I know the sins and virtues are each there own big group. Flora and fauna are coming with me. We couldn't contact E but hopefully I'll run into her.
The girls and I walked down to the park. The sky was amazing...
"Devin isn't it wonderful!" Fauna skipped around me.
"Yeah. It's pretty great." I looked over at Flora who was seemingly radiant today. She wore only a bark looking tube top and puffy shorts. She didn't have gloves on today and her short choppy hair seemed to shine. She was loosing a lot of hair so Fauna and I cut it all off. It's really cute short. She still hasn't stoped shedding hair but now it's a lot harder to notice and it will hopefully clog the shower drain less.
Everyone and there cousin were outside and on the town today. Almost everyone was walking towards the park but I noticed an outlier. Singh seemed to be power walking against the crowd. She was looking into ally ways distressed. I watched her walking along sidewalk. the girls seemed to be having a one way conversation despite floras inability to speak. More focused on Singh my unconscious mind was drawn to the ally she was looking into. My nose picked up blood and I stoped walking. This was all the way across the street... this wasn't just a paper cut... the girls noticed I had stoped and was looking at the ally where Singh disappeared into.
"Devin? Everything okay?" Fauna stepped back towards me. I shrugged her off.
"It's- I'm fine," I corrected myself, "you guys go on without me for a moment. I want to check something out." I didn't give them time to respond and I checked the street before jogging across. The smell grew more intense and mildly familiar. As I entered the dark ally I saw Singh kneeling on the ground holding something.
"Singh...what are you-?" I cut myself off as I rounded the dumpster. My arm covered my nose at the wave of blood covering the wall and ground. Singh was to the right side of it holding something white. Tears dripped from her nose silently. "W-what happened here!" I staggered back a bit and held my nose. My voice sounded comically nasally, it stuck out of the current vibe.
"I had a nightmare last night..." Her voice was shaky. She clutched the object to her chest with one hand and held her head with the other. I could tell her head was pounding. "I hoped it was only that... but I'm afraid it actually happened."
"What did you dream?" I stumbled down to her trying to avoid the mostly dried blood. This can't be over a day old. She didn't reply. She only shoved the object towards me towards. The soft glass slipped into my hands. It was cold. I looked down.
It was E's mask. I uncovered my nose and inhaled, I knew it wouldnt end well but I had to check if the blood was hers. I almost threw up as I confirmed it was hers. No normal person can lose that much blood and still exist. Sharp pain stabbed at the corners of my eyes as I held back tears.

D!fferent L!fe
Hayran KurguDevin is a new worker in the huge afterlife building. After being rescued by Lucifer and recovering from an unpleasant state, he begins to work under her. He meets the many employees around him and develops friendships. Something he's never had bef...