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I don't know what to think anymore. how would you understand me. you can't. yeah sure,you know a lot of me,but not even the most. I don't even know so much about myself. you helped me to get to know myself,but you're gone,so why do you care now? why? I mean like for real,I'm not that interesting,right? you left. don't forget that. I don't know what you're thinking,but I want you to know,that I still miss you,but I still hate you. i hope you know,you're one of the reasons why I want to kill myself. you  left. I had my worst breakdown ever and didn't fucking care and left me. I was so sad and you made me completely broken. but hey,it's my fault:) everything is my fault. you thought that too,right?I didn't deserve you and I still don't,right? you're too much for my life. do u think that? should I tell you what I think? I think I deserved you,'cause you made my life better.  you made me feel worthy and loved. I loved you and when you left i missed you. actually i don't miss you anymore. do you know why? it's because i figured,if i can't tell you about my problems,you don't have that much,so you may be better soon:) I still try to be a good person to everyone,especially for you,because you were the first person,which made me feel so good. oh and btw you were the last one too...I'll go. and it's not your can you say you would miss me? you would not even notice,because nobody would tell you. you left. neither do I...

how i feelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt