Chapter 20

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It was my parents.

"I said you'd have 72 hours. Now where's the ring?" My father said.

"I didn't get you you're fucking ring." I can't believe I let that slip out of my mouth.

"Well you know what the consequence is then." My mother said. I shook my head, meaning you better not.

"I see you know these Kiddos." My father said as he motioned to two kids my age. They stepped into the light. I gasped. It was Brett and Lia. I expected it from Lia but from FUCKING BRETT!!!!

"Well we can do this the easy way or the hard way." My father said.

"Here are your choices. One we go out there to the party and shoot or we stay here and you suffer." My mother said.

So either the people I love and care about die because of me or I die and they suffer my death. I'd hate to see Kian and the others cry but no matter whet, they will.

You know that feeling when you don't know what to choose? Well that's what I'm feeling right now. Right now it's either the lives of the people I love or my life. I've barely been on this earth to know what it is or even what I am. We all have to die at one point but at such a young age? I mean, some people die at an old age in their sleep, surrounded by their family and children. But then there are some of the poor unfortunate souls who are murdered or commit suicide. I'm gonna be one of those unfortunate souls no matter what happens. I know the loop holes. If I choose the first choice, they'll kill everyone then come back to kill me.

"Come on! Just fucking pick one!" My father punched the side of my head.

That's when there was a knock on the back of the van.


"We'll thats gonna be it for today's video. Make sure to give it a thumbs up and go check out my main channel video." I said as I covered the camera lens with my hand and stopped recording.

I uploaded the video(it's one take week).

I got ready for the party and left.

As I approached the party, I saw a white van. It's really suspicious. If you see something, say something. I pulled out my phone and called 911.

"Hello this is 911, what's your emergency?" A lady asked.

"I dot know if I'm over reacting but there's this white van that seems really suspicious." I said.

"Oh well give us the address and the license plate number and we'll be on our way." She said. I stayed where i was and read it.

"The license plate it 428-HFU and the address is 24 Oak Lane." I said.

"Ok, we will be on our way as fast as we can. Thank you for calling us and remember, if you see something say something." She said as I hung up.

I walked up the the back of the van and knocked on it. No answer.

"I called the police, they are on their way." I said. I quickly ran inside just in case there is really something bad going on.

I quickly found the guys, Andrea, Jenn, Jack, Andrew, and Anthony and warned them.


"I called police, they are on their way." Someone outside said.

I instantly knew the voice. Kian.

"Shit, we need to go!" My mother said.

"No shit Sherlock!" My father said.

The two of them grabbed the weapons and ran outside. Me on the other hand, my hands and feet and tied up really tight.

"You aren't gonna get away with this one!" Lia stood up and grabbed a hammer. "If they don't kill you, then I will." She said as she raised it.

Just then the police sirens began to flash.

"I'll make this quick and easy!" She said as she brought the hammer down to my knee.

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