Chapter 25

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The next week was like hell.

I've had to stay in the hospital, taking 7 pills every 3 hours. Yeah, it sucks.

But the guys and the girls have been staying with me almost 24/7. Me and JC have gotten really comfortable together. Well we aren't really together but you know what I mean.

"Dad said he's gonna get out of work early today." Kian said. I nodded.

"So you get out of here tomorrow?" Trevor asked.

"Thank the genies." I laughed.

"It's really that bad here?" Andrea asked.

I shrugged. "It's just that I miss my room and my stuff."

We sat there and laughed about stupid things that the guys used to do. They are always trying to cheer me up by bringing back up their painful pasts and it kinda works.

"One time I was riding my bike to the local pool and there was a group of girls. I flipped my towel in front of the bike and it got caught in the tire. I went flying!" Connor laughed.

"Sure was a stupid thing to do for a bunch of girls. Trying to notes them with your moves." Sam said.

"Hey, wanna watch the court session with your parents?" Kian asked.

"Yeah, let's see how much time they have to do." I said as I clicked a button on the remote.

"Do you realize that what you did was a murder at attempt?" The judge asked.

"Judge, I'd never try to kill my own daughter. I love her." My mom said in defense.

"That lying son of a bitch!" I yelled at the TV.

"You have been guilty before of child abuse Mrs. Trobus." The judge said.

"Let's hear the other side of the story." Judge said as the camera panned over to the other person which was Heather.

"I saw the entire thing judge. Mr. Hall began to kiss Ms. Trobus while Ms. Johnson grabbed her waist, put a blindfold on her, and took her into the van." She said.

"So she saw the entire thing?" I asked.

"Mr. Trobus, do you have anything to object?" Judge asked.

"Yes judge. The only reason I did that to my daughter was because she made a promise to me and didn't keep it." My father said.

I rolled my eyes.

"That is no reason to kill an innocent girl. Let's hear what your daughter has to say." Judge said.

I forgot I had an interview over FaceTime with the court.

"Ms. Trobus, can you explain what your parents did to you?" She asked.

"Well the first time I was walking outside alone. My father tackled me and dragged me into a dark alley. He got on top of me and threatened if I don't get my foster mothers ring then he was going to kill me. Then the night of the scene he said that I had two choices," I was interrupted.

"I did not do that!" My father barked.

"Let the girl speak!" Judge said. "Go on."

"He said that I had two choices. Either he goes out to the party that all of my friends were at and kill all of them or he kills me." I said.

"Ok, you are both pronounced guilty. Thank you Ms. Trobus." She said. My face flashed off the screen.

"You two are both going to be in jail for the rest of your life for child abuse, breaking out, and murder at attempt." She said.

"Case closed!" She hit the mallet to the podium and everyone stood up.

Well that's that. My parents, Brett, and Lia are gone for a long time.

"Well it's already getting late. We'll be back after dinner." Kian said. It's already that late? Time flies when you're having fun. Oh who am I kidding, it's a living hell here. You can't have fun!

"Bye guys!" I waved as they all exited except for JC.

"Love ya." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Love ya too." I said as he lightly closed the door behind him.

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