1: Odd Beginnings

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Ghost: an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.

Nico was used to ghosts. Well, less used to ghosts as he was simply the dead. Being a son of Hades, and someone who used the dead in battle, he simply had to be.

Will was also used to the dead, in his own way. He had to deal with death quite a bit, though he wished he didn't. He wasn't quite as used to the dead.

It was a surprise to both of them when Nico saw a ghostly Will wandering Camp Half Blood.

Will was semitransparent, like any ghost. There was a yellow, or gold-ish tint to the form. He looked like he was made of light. He wasn't quite.

The only reason Will knew Nico saw him was the staring. He'd been walking all through camp, trying to get the attention of campers, and found that no one noticed. Nico, however, was dead-on staring at him.

"You can see me, can't you? You're the son of Hades, I guess it'd make sense." Will walked straight to Nico, talking openly. A glance around showed that no one but Nico had heard him.

"Nico Di Angelo, right? Son of Hades, Ghost King? You don't get out much, do you? I only saw you when you were in the Infirmary for some injury."

"How did you die? They can't find your body, anywhere." Nico questioned him, aloud, quietly. The whole camp knew Will died-he disappeared one day. Nico could confirm that he definitely wasn't alive. And he still wasn't now.

Will didn't seemed surprised by the question, though slightly uneasy.

"I saw a younger camper run out into the forest. I followed them in, to make sure they weren't doing something stupid. They got attacked, I defended them to the best of my ability, they ran. I killed the thing and died soon after." Will explained.

"Who was the camper?" Nico asked. Will shrugged.

"No idea, I didn't see their face or anything. They just looked short and in the camp shirt. Isn't it lunch? You aren't eating anything?"

"I ate before you showed up. How long have you been as a ghost? You've been dead for three days."

"Three days. I had to find my way here, since I just popped on outta my body after I died. Good thing I didn't need food or anything." Will sat down across from Nico, seeming far too nonchalant for his current position.

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